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NE Scotland meet 3rd Aug


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For you Doug second roundabout off the A96 on to the B9011 first roundabout Tesco should be there!?

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Got you. I did what I should've done in the first place - googled it!


It must be just past the BP station.


Meet at half ten, so leaving at 9? How would that suit everyone?


I will still check the website in the morning and may well chicken out if it's still wet.

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Yeah 1030 is fine with me I'll call a couple of the "local" and see if they are still up for this

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Good call! I'll keep checking to see if we're 'go for launch'.


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Want to meet in Inverness David, or just forres?


Forecast's not looking any worse anyway :rolleyes:

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Hi Doug, we could meet at the Eastfield Way Tesco petrol station. It's the one on the A96 as you head out of Inverness towards Nairn. Meet on the forecourt at say, 9:45am then on to Forres to meet the others for 10:30?

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That's pencilled in then.


Might be better in the car park behind rather than littering the forecourt though!


I will be on here in the morning and will confirm when (or if :d) I leave.


Fingers crossed.

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Sounds like a plan!

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Well it's a bit misty here....but the sun's just popped out.


The forecast looks quite good for today here now, but there is the chance of a shower around inverness later. And if there is it will be heavy.


Roads will be flooded after last night's rain.


I'm up for it and will leave if someone (anyone) else says they're going too.


I'm off for a shower and will check back here.

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Wills57 and I are coming can't get hold of Chris and the Prof is not coming, sun has been out here but gone again as the mist has come down ...........leaving sometime after 9 am see you there

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Doug, we'll see you as arranged. Ken may be coming too. We'll see everybody else at Forres at 10:30 and take it from there.



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Judder might be meeting you guys in Inverness...........

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Running a wee bit late, but off now.

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Have a great run out guys and stay safe! Remember, if it rains .. it's only water!

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