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Castle Combe Retro & Classic Action Day 28 Jun 2014


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Cheers mooch, I've booked some track times in advance :)

9:45am & 12:45pm

They were £30 in advance, or £35 on day for what is left. .

I also have a new pop up gazebo i can bring if needed. See you guys there, unless there is anyone coming from tewkesbury/Cheltenham way?

ETA- noise limit is 100db @ 1/2 metre

I've booked the same two slots as well.  Looked like the best option.

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Only one slot left:


Andrew Reeves

Chris Varey




Tony Rogers

John Wilkinson


and I have a provisional 2 passes for:



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Aaaaand...that's it.  Ian Smith has the last place..  Any more and it's £12.50 a pop.

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Weather looking dry till 4pm'ish :t-up:


I blame you for the current forecast Paul! (Well the BBC forecast, one of many)

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The Met Office (App) saying this morning that it's pretty much nailed on to rain heavy from 9am and light in the afternoon.


I think we might get wet tomorrow.


Mind you, this is the same app and source that told me the weather was going to be fine when I last took my Westfield to Goodwood, it absolutely hammered it down about 1 hour in.

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awesome, i'll be bringing the go pro again.


Just got mine - if anyone wants to borrow it for the track or something

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Back home, nice and dry now. Nice to meet everybody today.

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I am back and no sight of rain on the drive home. Glad I took the roof down.


Good to see some old and new faces. Going to sort out the photos now.

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Photos are up: http://www.crisiswolf.com/Cars/Motorsport/Castle-Combe-Retro--Classic-Acti/


Let me know if you want unmarked copies on PM and I'll get them to you. Just hit the little (i) in the bottom right corner of the photo to find out the file name (e.g. IMG_4114.jpg)

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Once again, some super photography, Richard.  Many thanks!


Good day, despite the rain. That second session on the track just after the downpour was some of the most challenging driving I've ever done.  Like driving on an oil slick!  Must have looked desperately slow from the stands, but seemed very quick in the car!  Nearly didn't do it, but glad I did as it was a good learning experience.


Can I claim some of the photo's of my car, please?  


4117, 4216, 4703, 4171 and 4332 would be great!!!  Thank you!



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Here are some I snapped on the phone













I'll sort those out for you Mike - will PM you in a minute.

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Photos are up: http://www.crisiswolf.com/Cars/Motorsport/Castle-Combe-Retro--Classic-Acti/

Let me know if you want unmarked copies on PM and I'll get them to you. Just hit the little (i) in the bottom right corner of the photo to find out the file name (e.g. IMG_4114.jpg)

Nice one, cheers.

I've had a quick look on my phone and they look great.

I'll pick a few out and pm you once I'm on my laptop.



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