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Oh, ok :) If it's been restored over 14 years, I'm sure there will be invoices for "body panels, engine rebuild bits etc" that prove beyond reasonable doubt :)

Probably not, mate as this only proves you bought panels, engine etc! Does not detract from the vehicle not being SORN'd...

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I think you tell them you sent off the SORN all filled in

They or the post office must have lost it some where !!!!!!

Prove otherwise !!!!!!

You must have forgotten you sent it in hadn't you

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I think you tell them you sent off the SORN all filled in

They or the post office must have lost it some where !!!!!!

Prove otherwise !!!!!!

You must have forgotten you sent it in hadn't you

I think this is likely the case. You did send it in, it didn't reach and you've forgotten about it. I've certainly no idea what I was doing in 1999.

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I think this is likely the case. You did send it in, it didn't reach and you've forgotten about it. I've certainly no idea what I was doing in 1999.


Not trying to be a killjoy here, but the flaw in that plan is that, unless the OP moved (which would be an even worse scenario), the DVLA would have (in theory) sent reminders every year until 2013.


But - nothing ventured, nothing gained.  If that tack is tried, it will either work or fail spectacularly, but the maximum possible cost won't change.  Or just tax it and take a chance...


Best of luck in any case! :t-up:

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Not trying to be a killjoy here, but the flaw in that plan is that, unless the OP moved (which would be an even worse scenario), the DVLA would have (in theory) sent reminders every year until 2013.

But - nothing ventured, nothing gained. If that tack is tried, it will either work or fail spectacularly, but the maximum possible cost won't change. Or just tax it and take a chance...

Best of luck in any case! :t-up:

They could only send a reminder if they hadn't lost it

Or do they still send out tax reminders to re tax every year

On a funnier note

I had a tax reminder for a van I had sold 12 weeks before

Than bought the tax disc as did the new owner also????

They would not refund me for the first month even though I returned it recorded posted on the 1st of the month

My error they said

Or in my opinion there error for billing me for a vehicle I no longer owned and had the notification of owner ship change

Receiving money by deception or fraud in my book

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The guy at DVLA is probably  one of their new starters that has a script, I certainly wouldn't contact anyone......so in short  fret not...... here's my reasoning, I bought a moped for restoration two and a bit years ago.... that had never been sorn'd and the last Tax disc was 1998,


When I got the reg docs back and sorn'd it I got the standard threat on the screen that I might be liable for a fine, it never came.


When you said that DVLA were going to issue you with the new style V5 that leads me to believe that they had probably put your BMW into the "possibly scrapped-we'll wait and see" pile, because you should have got your new style docs at the latest last year.


And if you're really worried about it, transfer the registered keeper..... Me being the new owner is why I reckon I didn't get any problems.


Hope that helps.

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Thanks everyone for your advice & sympathy's, very much appreciated how you've gathered round in a time of trouble.

What a pickle I find myself in.

Decided to be upfront & contacted the enforcement team (who are basically collectors of fines). Explained to lady, who advised to write in with explanation of missing 14 yrs! She said there was no fine outstanding on the system for my car, she could calculate the missed tax, which I declined, thinking I'll write first (although it would appear nothing has been flagged up so far).

I will go ahead & tax it when I get new style logbook.


To explain the car, I bought it new in 1986, one of the first batch of 10 RHD 325i cabriolets built. It's done 20253 mls & is mint. when I said I was getting the car back on the road, I haven't used it for 14 yrs, my son asked if I'd take him to his school prom in it, hence the reason for the project, so it's been a case of bringing it out of hibernation, & not a rebuild as some have assumed.


A few pics below












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Send the letter with a bit of cap in hand about it ,tell them you have always taxed your road cars on time, and been upfront and honest with them and presumed as they didn't send you a reminder the SORN just carried on. Send them pictures showing its condition and if you know any professional people include a statement from them stating it has been garaged. They aren't always out to get you and a good presentation should go in your favour.

I deal with vosa/ dvla/ dvsa weekly and find if you are honest, pleasant and straight with them the will accommodate you.

Hope all goes well and keep us informed.

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what a minter :-) nice wheels mate 

Known as "bottle tops"

Original BMW from 1986, with 195/65/R14 tyres

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Beautiful car, hopefully the SORN will get sorted without big money, but it would be worth it even if it did cost a bit.

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You really shouldn't have to worry. It would be completely unreasonable for a fine to be compounded over that number of years without any interim communication from them. Bizarre that there was no fine outstanding on their system, though.

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from the looks of some of those PH posts it revolved around dvla climing they had not recieved post. .... tbh i tend to send dvla stuff recorded signed for these days as then you have proof it got there after similar problems with the student loan company claiming to have not recieved deferment papers.

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