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Think I'm in deep s**t with DVLA.

Getting my BMW on the road after 14yrs in the garage. Work virtually complete, phoned DVLA to enquire about re taxing it. It was last taxed 1999.

I didn't SORN it they told me, didn't know SORNING was in place then, told came in 1998.

He's sending a new style log book so I can tax it, but told me I must phone the enforcement team. Looking on DVLA site says heavy fines & to pay back missed tax!!

Asked him what happens if I don't phone enforcement team, "can only advise you to do so"

Can anybody give me any advice please.


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Can you prove it has been off the road? If so I'd get it legal and forget about it. If they come after you use the media to make them look silly.

What BMW is it out of interest?

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Well, I'd say throwing yourself on their mercy is a non-starter, doubt they'll entertain it, even if we all know there was no intent to deceive or evade.


So the possibilities are pretty straight forward:


- Research and see what you owe and pay it (probably in excess of £2k)


- Pay the tax for now and look over your shoulder continuously, prepared to take it up the tailpipe if they catch up with you


- Sell the car abroad


- Sell the car for scrap


- Break the car for parts


Awful situation, my sympathies :(

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Can you prove it has been off the road? If so I'd get it legal and forget about it. If they come after you use the media to make them look silly.


Problem is, the SORN is the device for proving it was off the road, and it was well publicised.  They're unlikely to accept any other evidence and the SORN is a legal requirement in these cases.  In fact, if you don't SORN an untaxed vehicle, they can remove it from private property.

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I would just tax it and see what happens.

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I hear Australia's nice this time of year  :p

































Sorry couldn't resist 


best of luck whatever happens  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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You must have photos of the state it was in and the rebuild in progress


You did SORN it

And they must have lost the record of it ;)

You know what they are like

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Hopefully you went to a minor public school and you can go in to the DVLA with your rugger socks on under your suit and they will let you off with 100 lines and a slipper…. well thats what i do  :d

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Really feel for you with this one. 


How about try your local MP ? as it's just crazy to pay tax when it's been off the road being rebuilt. 


Good luck.

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My son scrapped his scooter several years ago. Last year got a fine from DVLA . He wrote a letter saying it had been scrapped and gave details of motorbike he had replaced it with and a letter from the garage who literally through it in their scrap skip.

No joy......he was fined £380.


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i have a car that was not taxed when sorn came in and has never been taxed or sorn since,  when i tried to sorn it they said it wasnt required as it only applies to vehicles that have actually been taxed since rules came in.

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That's a blow Stephen. I feel for you, I really do.

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I would tax it and let DVLA do the chasing for any tax they think is due. 

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I would ask them to prove it's been used on the road, just once in the last 14 years?

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Surely if it was on their records then sometime in those 14 years they would have sent tax reminder or SORN request?????

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