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New dates for the Yorkshire 8 on 17 and 18 May!

Rory's Dad

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Great run guys and girls and what about the weather! anybody else got 'westfield arm' sunburn  :laugh:


We did well to keep all the westies together considering the numbers but Shaggydoo wins the AWOL competition must have been missing nearly 2 hours before you found us  :t-up:

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pit stop challenge  :t-up:



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I was nearly there…….I was the idiot standing on the kerb in Bakewell with a bakewell pudding in hand trying to ascertain where you were off to next  :laugh: Unfortunately I was too far away from my car to catch up with you guys  :down:


Looks like you had a great day :t-up: 


Sue and I also had a great day out around Bakewell, Buxton and Ashbourne, hope to meet up with you next time :)  

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Myself and Jessica had a great day out with you folks, even tho we lost you for a couple of hours!

We are both nursing westie sunburn arms today.

Thanks Martin

Happy days :-)

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Gutted I couldn't make this; was stuck in the garage tinkering in the morning. Had a nice run out to Leeds in the afternoon, went to the Fox and Grapes for afternoon tea hoping to see you all when you came back but alas it was not to be :(


Next time for sure.

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Thanks for a great day out folks, it was great to meet you all and get a tan at the same time!


I have lots of lovely pictures but can someone pleeease tell me how to post them onto here. I have put them into photobucket, but what now?


The puncture was a leaking valve and tyre seal, costing a whole £7.50   phew. I just had to show off on my first day really.

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I've got the wings bolted on tonight, the Sikaflex on the offside one took a bit of getting off but did it with no damage.

Not got a sunburnt arm, but the head's a bit red.


And Martin, you were there aswell!

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I have lots of lovely pictures but can someone pleeease tell me how to post them onto here. I have put them into photobucket, but what now?


Click on the IMG link, it will say "copied" then press "ctrl and v"on the forum post and you should get the image on your post.

Hope this helps.

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Has that done it?

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:yes: Yes that did it. 

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Almost, if you do the individual pictures and do them one at a time they should come up.




Like that.

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