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Lanyards, Anyone?

Captain Colonial

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Scott, on the basis that we probably "sell" more cars, or at least do the intro's, than any of the Westfield sales team, couldn't we get some financial assistance from them? 


We'll never know how many folk wander onto the club stand, have a good chat and nosey and order a car or kit in the next 12 months.


I wouldn't ask for huge sums but 500 name card lanyards, and some joint literature printing would help.


Of course, if they do support us then that's great.

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OK gents, looks like we've got some eager terriers in the club, ready to do battle to get lanyards and and name badge holders (and blank cards I can put through a printer?).  On the basis that many hands make light work, I'm happy to accept your assistance in sourcing a quantity of 500 units at the best possible price.  Please feel free to get some info and come back to me with all the details.


The only thing about using away WSCC branded ones that we provide at the show is that an unknown number will never return, either because the person will keep it as a souvenir, forget to bring it the following year, lose it, etc.


Not sure how many people would buy one if we had it in the Store, and we'd have to buy a large number to get the right price.  If they don't sell, we're stuck with them and would probably just end up using them at the show, defeating the object of selling them to start with IYSWIM. :)


So can we get prices for plain and for branded please?  There are pros and cons on both sides.


I'll speak with the factory myself about the possibility of working together on lanyards.


Thanks gents :t-up:

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I can get some wuv ,just let me know numbers if your not already sorted




eta oops to late :laugh:

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Possibly controversial - How about including one/two in the cost of membership, I'd pay a little more to cover it .... 

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Me too

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To recoup some of the cost, they could be offered for a small fee next year...

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Scott, on the basis that we probably "sell" more cars, or at least do the intro's, than any of the Westfield sales team, couldn't we get some financial assistance from them?

This is another avenue.
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Having spent the past 40 years negotiating with car manufacturers, first as a dealer then (and now) as a partner (we supply the dealers with their DMS - computer systems) I may be qualified to be liaison between club and factory on non-technical matters.


Just thinking if I should volunteer.

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Sure on last year's drift experience you got a lanyard so Westfield must have a supplier. Not sure if the gave one away this year tho

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I think the lanyards are wrong.  They may look smart but the name/boardroom name you need to see will be sideways on or back to front.  A badge is fine - just maybe needs to be better than a stick-on label. 

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I think the lanyards are wrong.  They may look smart but the name/boardroom name you need to see will be sideways on or back to front.  A badge is fine - just maybe needs to be better than a stick-on label. 

You may have a point here, Martin .. a simple pin on badge, and surely they'll be cheaper! :t-up:

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Thanks for all your input so far gents, much appreciated. :)


As he has some experience, I've asked Peter Osborne to get a quotation to supply 1,000 lanyards with name badge holders from a supplier he knows in China.  However, we should continue to get prices from as many sources as possible, and then along with the other facts and opinions, we can take a decision on whether to go that way or stick with, er, sticky badges.

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You may have a point here, Martin .. a simple pin on badge, and surely they'll be cheaper! :t-up:


It's also a good idea to consider - we do need to remember that some people do not like those either though, as they don't like poking holes in their good clothing.


Whatever the solution, we're not likely to please everyone, I'm afraid. :(:bangshead:


But do keep it coming! :t-up:

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Use them at stoneleigh or not I still want one ;)

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