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scottish power ,seriously you couldnt make it up


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I would say talk to the ombudsman, surely they will be able to get to the bottom of it, in the mean time do what midlife crisis has suggested.

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I switched from what was SEEB some years ago to Scottish power to save money, their whole approach was so appalling I took monthly photo's of the meter and even after phone calls they never read or asked me the meter reading for over six months. I then switched back to SEEB requesting they change the meter, so I had documented proof of  consumption, I paid SP the correct amount owing. A year later I received a huge bill from SP and queried this over the next year, they then sent out debt collectors for the next 5 years, even when the bill reached £8500 they were convinced they were still my supplier. Every 6 months the debt collectors were changed and we had some interesting door step conversations showing them the documentations but never the meter readings. They eventually suggested I pay them £4250 or they would take me to court, they withdrew the day before the hearing. I think our utility bills could be greatly reduced if these numpies ever get themselves organised and they could still make their £1 million profit a day

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But don't forget, we are now blessed to receive this service from privatised companies.

The open market encourages competition, meaning that customers get far better service and value than was ever possible under the old nationalised system. Apparently.

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I was concerned when we changed from a manufacturing base to a service industry that we would survive.  I am impressed we are recovering better than most European countries in spite of the idiots we are unavoidably forced to deal with on a daily basis. 

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whichever company the numpty who screwed up your supply worked for needs hitting very hard and very quickly with a legal claim against damage to property and loss of income, not withstanding the costs to you of getting as a minimum your alarm working again and you back in business. Sorting out who supplies you can be sorted later. Get yourself secured and repaired at there expense and claim the legal costs back, threaten them with everything. Total incompetence should never be accepted. Where are you up to at the moment have you managed to make any progress.


Bob :(

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well it gets worse , since i have found its fried my cordless phone chargers/bases also my card machine and mobile phone charger and the security camera system is not working properly ,cant see me getting anywhere and cant really be arsed chasing them as i have waisted a full day so far on the phone to them

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well spent hours again today on the phone seems you cant speak to anyone in charge or get anywhere with who you speak to they all pass the book and say its another department ,no ones interested so I have cancelled my direct debit and tbh they didn't seem bothered with that as they said it was billing and not there department

I reckon its costing me about £1800 plus vat to get everything sorted so Scottish can kiss my A***

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:down: :down:   Hang on in there Steve, have they agreed they are not your supplier in writing yet :oops:

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they said yesterday that they do supply me but i cannot get anyone to commit to anything or speak to anyone in charge its allways another department that you need to speak to

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Any written acceptance confirming SP were not your supplier should be accompanied with a full refund??? Unfortunately these companies do not have a management structure that allows customers access to anyone above the call centre level and whether you email/post/fax/text them you will only be contacted by a call centre employee with a very limited menu card. Only a court summons with details and photos of the damage will provoke any worthwhile action.     

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10 days and still not sorted

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Steve - avoid the call centre and go as high in the company as you can.


I had a problem with Vodafone a couple of years back and a polite but firm letter to their Chairman ended up with someone (who could actually make a decision/get things done) on the phone the same day they received it.


I've PM'd you a name, address and email...

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I have moved houses many many times, I've had 34 postcodes and I'm only 30!!! Pretty much every house I have had the bill for previous occupants and an estimate for usage. I admit, most postcodes were while growing up and I don't know what happened with bills, and many postcodes I did not pay bills (military accommodation). But every time I've been responsible for energy bills I've had issues. Sending off proof of date I moved in and trying to sort it out. Usually I move to another address and start it all again before issue was resolved and I'm phoning two companies trying to extract money!

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Small claims court works for me every time when other methods fail

That's what they are for to sort out disputes and hold company's or people to account and you can do it on line in 20 mins to get damages when it's done


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I have done this twice recently with companies that would not acknowledge my complaint, and their lack of complaint procedure. The first hearing on both occasions the other parties failed to turn up, the second hearing they arrived totally unprepared and I buried them with documentation sent to all levels of management from CEO down that were all either ignored or sent down to the food chain to their appalling call centres. Brilliant result both times, financially, and restoring the feel good factor. :d :d :d  

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