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you cant live with em ,you cant live with em


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oh god oh god im making a retreat to my mancave right now

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Scott, I get the feeling that Bev just lets him twaddle away and says "yes dear" and "no dear" in the right places.


HM does.


Or just "Shut the eff up"

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tbh I don't talk bev unless I have to ,makes for a far better relationship

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Understood, we have that sort of relationship. I talk all the time (no surprise there then) and she just smiles.

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Always remember you will never win, they are from different planets and we will never fully understand them. Which sometimes adds to the mystery - after 27years I'll take the 5th on that one. Have you got heating in your man cave you may be needing it. They put so much effort into organising us and Christmas that they are bound to be stressed out, default setting therefore is we are always wrong. The Amazons are coming and we must not think we are the master gender, cos they will tell us differently. I'm going to try the, agree with everything move from now on.


In a similar vein I will need to drop by after New Year to get an estimate on her indoors recently modified car, front wing, front door , rear door and rear wing all separate little events, none of which were her indoors' fault she may add. Nuff said. One lady owner 5 year old shed.


De-stress and enjoy Christmas, teenagers need 15 hours sleep per day otherwise they can't operate their playstations properly.


Bob :(

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At the risk of upsetting the apple cart I haven't bought SWMBO anything for Christmas for years now, not since she didn't like the engine rebuild on the X flow that I generously provided for her. Since then she buys what she wants (if anything) and I buy what I want (very rarely) and everyone is happy :d :d


Much less stressful :yes: :yes: :yes:

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