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you cant live with em ,you cant live with em


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well after a week from hell ,i arrived home from work about 12.30  been in since about 5.30 trying to sort out a hooooooooooge boo boo (thats another story)

anyway i have been racking my tiny brain what to get bevski for xmas and i cant think of owt she needs and if i buy clothes they would be wrong etc etc ,so i arrive home and give her £200 and say thats for xmas please buy summat you want with it

i then get accused of not caring and accused of not trying ,you just cant win it seems if someone gave me £200 for xmas i would be chuffed as a chuffer but oh no not a woman

so i took it back and said you had your chance you ungreatfull chuffer and i went mcdonalds for dinner


its not as if we are kids or owt i know santa does not exist and i hope she does ,i see xmas as just a waist of money and 90% of the presents people buy just get left in the wardrobe or stuffed in the spare room never to be seen again ,so i would rather someone buy summat they want and will use rather than waste money


oh and dont get me started on kids that just think they can walk straight into a job with you without showing and interest at all in what i do , willem is trying to negotiate hollidays for next year and he does not even work with me yet , he has been down helping me through the hollidays and done well but has not shown a ounce of interest since even though he knows im busting my balls working 7 days a week and need all the help i can get , he has spent the thursday and friday in his bed after finishing school,

i have not said owt to him i just thought he might of come down to help me , so thats my next thing to deal with ,stupid lazy chuffin kids

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Go to a good shop ask the assistant to advise you and buy her something smelly ( not you ) that she wouldn't buy for herself.

If you get her clothes get the size that fits you so you could always wear them !!!!!

Lazy kids forget it !!!

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In your case I would think the Mrs, would like some time with you, take her out for an evening to a theatre and see a pantomine for a good laugh and a decent meal , (What she likes, not what you want to eat)


Teenagers :)   They all do that, maybe some subtle hints in that department.

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And breathe Steve...

Soon be over then we can all start another year of paying our taxes....

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Even crap slipper and ill fitting pj's go down better than nowt in my house . I think they just like us to feal the pain of shopping for them.

How about a night away in a five star hotel for you both if you pick one with a nice spa she could have a treatment while you have a pint and read the papers in the bar. Always go's down well with my good lady . Good luck steve we feel your pain :-)

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It is difficult to get it right. You need to start early finding out what she likes and then look at that.


From experiance, Theater and dinner, spa day, are all winners.


As for youngsters, that is a whole new ball game of pain, caused by being allowed to grow up with no one ever saying no to them. I was telling a group of when my daughter was younger and she was moaning about the quality of her mobile phone. I fixed that by smashing it so she did not have one to moan about. I was shocked that a group of grown men were all saying they would never have dared to do that as the back lash would have been unbearable. I never had an issue and she learnt a valuble life lesson.

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Molten Brown shop will advise on smellies and wrap it up very nice for you to give to Bev

You know she's worth it!

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Steve, get her down Wellington boots or some chain oil - works every time at my house :-) merry Xmas wuv

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I'm going to get Bev a club membership account so she can read what you're writing about her and can vent her spleen about you. :d

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Apparently a torque-wrench isn’t considered romantic enough...


FWIW an evening out at a musical always seems to go down well with the laydeez, even those who have never expressed an interest in going to one.



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In light of Steve's recent makeover, I'm not sure if a sudden interest in musicals might be misunderstood!

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well she's back and putting the chuffin tree up ,yet more clutter and crap in the house over xmas ,why do we have to have tree's in the house where did all this come from ,chopping down poor innocent ickle tree's to stick inside for a week or two ,or in our case 4 days  then to stick em outside in the garden for 6 years until you take it the tip

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Mate, I agree with Soots. You've been working your socks off and haven't had time to fart let alone time with your missus.

Book a night away (doesn't have to be far), where you'd normally not go. A spa hotel where you can get a nice massage and a swim and your missus can get her face and nails or whatever done .. hey, not that I'm saying anything about your missus needing anything done, mate! Right, I'm leaving it there!!

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