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Newbie about to purchase- pics included


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About to purchase an unfinished 2004 model megabusa, just wondering if there is anything major I should look out for car is 90% complete.



Any help- advice comments welcome

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Its all depends what you are going to do with the car? Get to road legal or just a track car

I remember seeing this at a couple of dealers over here.


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Looks nice, welcome :)

If you have plans to IVA the car and make it road legal, then make sure you get a set of the build photographs and receipts for the major parts.

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And be aware that a 2004 kit may not be IVA compliant as standard, although I'm sure that at worst it would only be a couple of minor points. I certainly wouldn't be put off the car by this, just making you aware of the possibility.


Although the car looks good, the cynic in me wonders why the builder wouldn't just finish it at this stage and then it would be worth more. If it was half built I could understand, but nearly complete? ??? Could be a perfectly valid reason though.



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Like Doug, I wonder why someone hasn't finished it. If it were priced eight, enough of a reduction to pay the completion and IVA costs and a further reduction for the risk then it may be worth while buying it to complete and IVA then sell on at a profit.


If it's priced low enough to ensure you end up paying no more than you would for a 2004 car and you're happy to take the risk then go for it. If it's priced close to a other completed, registered cars then my advice is to walk away.

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The main things for bike cars between SVA and IVA


you must have reverse gear and I think a reverse light  (I cant see the extra lever next to the gear lever)

sound levels are stricter that can be a challenge with wrong silencer / induction.


There are a number of smaller sva / iva changes such as retainer on fuel cap, tank crash protection, radius etc etc


Also look for the right diff ratio, either sierra or freelander, to suit the bike engine gearing.


Also busa's need dry sumping or a very good swing arm baffled wet sump


Other than that VOSA are quite strict now when you apply for an IVA test that it is an amateur built car so make sure you get pictures of the various build stages and as Mark says all the invoices.


Perhaps get a price from the factory to finish unless the build is your interest.

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Hi and welcome

Some good advice already

It's the right time of year to buy a project cheep !!!

It's always best if you can talk to the original builder I think

If it's from a dealer your buying almost blind

Just my thoughts

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Just a point on the "why isn't it finished" front; obviously, you do need to exercise all due care, checking over very thoroughly with an eye to what needs doing to make it IVA'able, it may cost more than you think to do the work, and may involve partial disassembly of the car.


But, if you look back through the archives of the Boardroom, they're full of people asking what they're 90% (or there a bout's) finished car is worth, and despite lots of advice to have a final push and get it done and on the road as it will be worth much more, they rarely do.


Personally, I'd be immediately knocking in the region of a couple of grand off any car that wasn't IVA'd, and that's assuming more or less all the major (ie expensive) bits were there, even if not fitted.

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To put some perspective on it, my car is a 2003 kit, which the original builder worked on until 2009 when he moved it on (it was appears to be similar state as the above). That's 6 years of on/off building, and unless you are determined to see it through, that is an awful long time to have no use over your garage/workshop... It then took the next builder another year to see it through the IVA... and when he completed it, it sat pretty much all year round under cover until he moved it on again this year (when I bought it).

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Just send it across to Dave as it looks as though he'll have nothing to do after the weekend :laugh:


Joking aside, some really good advice as always already.  As long as you have the determination to see it through and don't mind spending extra to what you potentially will pay for the car, then go for it but as already mentioned, the value has got to represent its current state and non IVA position, otherwise walk away as other will become available.


Good luck and keep us posted :t-up:

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Incidentally, a quick flick through your other photographs shows what looks like a dry sump tank, along with some rather messy wiring!

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Excellent advice guys thanks

I got £1000 off the asking price as I do want to iva the car and think there is a fair bit of work to be done,as far as I know plenty of documents but no photos of build. :(

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Another IVA fail there will be the seat belt angle from the rear shoulder  mount to the seat holes, they should slope down, small job to fix but they are adding up Mark.  

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Something also looks odd with the front cycle wing clearance !!


And you will need side repeaters in them for IVA


I think you will also need the extra wide indicator pods for IVA

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Exhaust mount does not look IVA friendly either, unless that area is not subject to test with the sphere.

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