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Sports Personality of the Year

Rory's Dad

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How could the BBC manage to fly the trophy out to Miami in just a few minutes after the voting in Leeds was closed without explanation. Do they think we are stupid - well yes they must.  I think it's the other way round.

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Duplicate or replica?

Bit suspicious

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 A bit like the FA Cup is how...you know how you see the FA Cup in TV studios all the time during the competition, on the breakfast news, sports news bulletins, etc.?  That's because there's actually six identical trophies for promotional purposes.  The SPOTY one has four, but that's in case it gets stolen, damaged in transport, or a SPOTY throws a strop and decides to keep it, which apparently happened once.

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Personality and Andy Murray shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Just my opinion of course.

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To me it is another massive waste of our money on an event where overpaid people pat each other on the back. No one can take away the winning of an event, but the way the nation fawns over people doing their job and getting massivly paid in the process is just wrong, imho. Murray has the personality of a jelly fish, he knew he was the favorite but couldn't be arsed to come and collect it so more expense for us to send the cup, replica or not out for him to hold.


Time this was kicked in the head, or if it is seen as so important then sell the rights to a company who can then call it The XXXXXX SPOTY year and make it sell funding.


It just makes me angry when I have just read a thread on Pistonhead, where a 95 year old had to wait hours with a lone policeman for an ambulance to come. As there were insufficent rescource she had to wait, the account is harrowing and yet the BBC spent probably enough to fund severallextra ambulances in a few hours.


Sorry if this upsets the sports fans



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How could the BBC manage to fly the trophy out to Miami in just a few minutes after the voting in Leeds was closed without explanation. Do they think we are stupid - well yes they must.  I think it's the other way round.

Looking at the voting figures, Murray got over 400,000 votes, his nearest rival around 67,000.  They knew which way it was going.

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Not grumpy, yet!  :d 



That might yet change though...



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I agree with Jeff and I'm a sports fan. However, in my opinion, it does make good TV and probably costs no more than the usual crap that's on.


Remember that in most cases the money isn't the prime motivation. It's a by product of our entertainment age.


The Helen Rollason award given posthumously to Anne Williams was a touching moment. And so correct. At least she died knowing her tireless work had brought the result she so wanted - justice. 

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Looking at the voting figures, Murray got over 400,000 votes, his nearest rival around 67,000.  They knew which way it was going.


Is that figure of 400,000 the population of Scotland by any chance LOL


Not to say that he didn't deserve to win but his interview skills make me want to top myself.



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He seemed to be distracted by what was going on around him off camera. Martina was getting his crew to come round to stand behind him.


He was always a bad speaker but did get better. Last nights effort was truly terrible. I would think he was a bit phased by what was going on and he'd got the time difference mixed up so was in the shower when he was supposed to be on camera.


Anyway, he's not there as a speaker, only the best tennis player our United Kingdom has had in 77 years.

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Personality and Andy Murray shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Just my opinion of course.


Hear hear.

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Hear hear!

Quite! It's a celebration of sporting excellence. Presumably we call is sports personality for some nonsense 'because we're British' type reason. Glad Vettel won too. Mark Webber's shirt... what the devil?!

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