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John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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I have a member would like to participate/try an autotest. are you aware of anywhere in the north west that runs this events and how can we make contact?










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They used to hold them regularly at m/way service areas, the one near bolton on the m61 held them quite often.

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You need to speak to RoyH he is well into North West Autotesting


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John, not an offical auto test, just somewhere where I can burn some rubber and make a fool of myself.  Theres not only me that would like to do this, come on you dukes of hazzard mobs, make yourself known.


Big carpark with no kerbs or bollards



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Sorry should have been clearer... Somewhere to learn

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The problem with just practicing without it being covered by a club event is that you could be liable to the attentions of the law. I have attended and organised a number of Autotests in the North west and many got a visit from the local police who were quite happy once the correct permits and cover from the RAC had been given. It’s far better to attend a local Autotest ot Autosolo organised by one of the local clubs. All classes and levels of experience are catered for.

The WSCC is a member of the ANWCC all you need is RAC licence and the entry fee which is around £25 to £30.  The Bolton-le Moors event on the M61 no longer takes place there due to the re development of the venue and the new owners not being so motorsport friendly.  BLMCC still hold numerous events though and last year used the MACRO car parks at Preston and Manchester. There used to be co-promoted events which you could take part on without and RAC license ( I think ) just a recognised club card. I’ll speak to Pete Sharples at BLCC if there is enough interest and ask what opportunities there are for WSCC members.

I can honestly say though it’s good fun and the cheapest way to take part in a motorsport event.



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The problem with just practicing without it being covered by a club event is that you could be liable to the attentions of the law. I have attended and organised a number of Autotests in the North west and many got a visit from the local police who were quite happy once the correct permits and cover from the RAC had been given. It’s far better to attend a local Autotest ot Autosolo organised by one of the local clubs. All classes and levels of experience are catered for.

The WSCC is a member of the ANWCC all you need is RAC licence and the entry fee which is around £25 to £30.  The Bolton-le Moors event on the M61 no longer takes place there due to the re development of the venue and the new owners not being so motorsport friendly.  BLMCC still hold numerous events though and last year used the MACRO car parks at Preston and Manchester. There used to be co-promoted events which you could take part on without and RAC license ( I think ) just a recognised club card. I’ll speak to Pete Sharples at BLCC if there is enough interest and ask what opportunities there are for WSCC members.

I can honestly say though it’s good fun and the cheapest way to take part in a motorsport event.



Thank you

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Yeah, a few of us mentioned this last year, do quite fancy having a go. Some seem to be held at Lymm Services (M6) too.

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John, no worries.


Don't want to be taken the wrong way here but in plain english so no misunderstandings.


Do not want it associated with WSCC, not going that route as WSCC will trash it before it got of the ground. Ain't got a licence and not going to get one either, £30 quid not a chance but thanks for the info.


Just want to know if anybody got a carpark somewhere out in the sticks not near houses cos of the noise and private land so the rozzers can't complain. Just want to muck about and have a laugh but not on public roads. Theres got to be a market for this?



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Do not want it associated with WSCC, not going that route as WSCC will trash it before it got of the ground.


Can you elaborate further please so we're all clear as to exactly what you mean, Terry?



Just want to know if anybody got a carpark somewhere out in the sticks not near houses cos of the noise and private land so the rozzers can't complain. Just want to muck about and have a laugh but not on public roads. Theres got to be a market for this?


I'd be surprised if any owner of a car park or paved private land would be even faintly dim enough or interested in allowing people to do that, particularly for free.  If they allowed it, they'd open themselves up to huge amounts of possible liability claims if someone was injured or killed, or if vehicles were damaged.  Disclaimers would be next to useless for the property owner in such circumstances, and the cost of insurance would be astronomical.


By comparison, paying £25-£30 quid to do it in a safe, fun and organised fashion is a complete no-brainer in my books.  That's the cost of going to a movie (and probably being disappointed), a mediocre meal for two at a less-than-posh pub, or 1/3 of a tank of fuel in my tin top.


If you do manage to find someone with a car park daft enough to allow people to do that, give me his details - I've got some scrap green copper on an island off New York for sale.

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A bit (lot) further south you have the excellent Westfield Activity days at Silverstone albeit for £120+ on a good day. Also, North Weald do an activity day via http://www.carlimits.com/script/viewEvents.php?type=airfieldactivity&month=20140201 at £60.00.


Both are fantastic days out with experienced drivers on hand if you want them and the ability to "have some fun" and "smoke some tyres" as you see fit.

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A bit (lot) further south you have the excellent Westfield Activity days at Silverstone albeit for £120+ on a good day. Also, North Weald do an activity day via http://www.carlimits.com/script/viewEvents.php?type=airfieldactivity&month=20140201 at £60.00.


Both are fantastic days out with experienced drivers on hand if you want them and the ability to "have some fun" and "smoke some tyres" as you see fit.

that was my immediate thought when I read this thread. Both of these offer exceptional value for money and an element of teaching so as to improve driver skill and car control. I'd assume there's events similar to carlimits that operate in other parts of the country at other venues? With a group it's also a lot more fun than looning on your own on piece of waste land.
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