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"Ee's only gawn an' dun it!" S2000 content!

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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Damn and blast, Simon seems to have discovered the secret lair that held my debit card!


I will shortly be the owner, once the welding pixies have finished with it, come mid-December, of a Mega S2000 starter kit...


So looks like it will be soon time to build another car! This time round, building in all the lessons and development work from my current car. In fact, literally building in, as some parts will be moving over from the old one, to the new.


So the S2000 engine and gearbox currently sat in the garage will soon have a new and rather different home.


Many thanks to the factory for putting up with nearly eighteen months worth of questions, research, prodding, poking and photo taking of the demonstrator, and brain picking of all involved.


Needless to say build thread etc will follow along soon to bore everyone silly!


A strange feeling, ordering a new Westfield kit. Excitement for the new, and at the same time sadness for the old car that's give me such a great 10 years. It's time will be over soon and the vultures must be welcomed with open arms. :down::cry::d :d :d  (Sadly, with the current market, the parts are most definitely worth more than the whole, so once Christmas is out of the way, it's destined to be broken and sold, the figures don't make sense any other way).


Still, hopefully, I won't be without a Westfield to drive for too long and the Gadgetmobile's replacement should be something special!


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Wow, that's quite a decision Dave... especially after all the work that has gone into the old one - a shame to break it, but I guess it's necessary if the economics are to stack up.


Will be interesting to see how the new one goes.

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It's the downside of specialist non-standard bits. But apart from a little sadness, I'm cool with it; I always accepted that if I ever wanted to sell, it would probably have to happen.


In truth, I never expected to have to sell. I always assumed the car would outlast me, but then I didn't expect the game changer Westfield produced with the Mega S2000. The development and improvements since my chassis rolled out of Kingswinford in early 2004 are clear and present for all to see.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Course, I've just realised, if it takes me too long, I'll be begging passenger seat rides until I'm Westfield mobile again. :blush:

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Windscreen or aeroscreen, oh soon-to-be-broke one?  Colour?  WE WANT DETAILS!  Don't make me report you! :laugh:

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In truth, I never expected to have to sell. I always assumed the car would outlast me, but then I didn't expect the game changer Westfield produced with the Mega S2000. The development and improvements since my chassis rolled out of Kingswinford in early 2004 are clear and present for all to see.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I think we should run a sweepstake on "how many sales pitch / brand advocate posts Dave promised the factory in exchange for the mother of all discounts"?   :oops:  :p

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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: 


Electric Blue, oh brother of the clam shell  ;) 


Full windscreen plus my super douper uprated heater system to keep the chills out during the winter blatting. Well, er, next winters winter blatting, at least.


Probably looking at swapping from JK's to Sport Turbo seats, will have full interior trim, just like the current incarnation of my old car. I've done my time in a track focused car, and paid those particular dues.

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I think we should run a sweepstake on "how many sales pitch / brand advocate posts Dave promised the factory in exchange for the mother of all discounts"?   :oops:  :p


There's someone who's clearly never met Simon Westwood. :laugh:


Afternoon there Simon, I see you lurking... :t-up:

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Indeed, discount and Simon aren't words that go together! 


I did did manage to get the show discount by ordering before the end of the month, but sadly that's all  :down: 

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I knew this thread would be an interesting read!


afternoon Scott....hope you are well?

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Good thanks, hope you're the same...one kit closer to the sales targets, then! :t-up:

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nice one Gadge... have fun with it mate :) if we have another storm I'll have your engine please :d

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Every time I get close it just gets moved further away.......keeps the motivation going!


However in addition to the great sale made to Mr Eastwood today I also signed a contract with a dealer in Japan who have just successfully registered a Sport Turbo.


Now to get to the point where we ship 15-20 cars per month like we did in the early 90's, now that's a challenge considering cars then sold for £9995.00 and the Sport Turbo is just a wee bit more expensive!

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Good news indeed! :t-up:


Sadly, just had a chat with Julian - your 2014 targets just got increased as a result of your success.  Surely a sales manager knows how to "sandbag" sales so you have a bunch in the bank that mysteriously appear on 2 January? :laugh:  ;)  :yes:

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Now that just would n't be correct now would it... :d

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Certainly I've never done it... :d  *



















* to the provable knowledge of every MD I've worked for

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