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Power, charity and the 2013 Speed Series Champ!

Barry S

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Well done Barry - great idea and fun way to raise some money for a very worthy charity. Also Troy is a star in donating the money taken for the runs.


Can somebody post a list of cars/owners and the max bhp & torque.


Graphs would be interesting if available.

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Given the engine spec both the previous owner and I were well pleased with the result especially as the car is running on the original map supplied by SBD and as never been on a dyno before.


 I thought Keiths was good power IME for a hydraulic profile cams

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thanks to those who gave their pledge to Del during the Rolling Road day on the 26th and thanks again to Troy and the chaps for their very generous donation also..


For those of you who have pledged money for collection at the awards, I am going to put a suitable receptical on the bar (it will have mine and Davids cash in it already) please just drop your pledge in as you visit the bar.


I'm guessing everone will make a minimun of one visit for drinks :laugh:




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I suppose the one visit to the bar is just a "target " How many points for beating the target? £1 per visit seems good

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Good idea Barry, hope you/we all raise a packet for an excellent cause :t-up:  :t-up:

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Just to close this one down,,,


Between the cash collected on the day at Northampton Motorsport and the additional money donated at the awards bash (there was far more in my pot than was pledged :t-up: ) we reckon the amount you generious lot donated has exceeded £400.00!! :)  :)  :)


Could be even more but the official Orange Frazers House pot is sealed so this is a conservative estimate,,,




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Well done Barry for initiating the idea and seeing it through :t-up:

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Here here - was great fun at nms - very good event for non-competition fast road cars to join in at as well?

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