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Pennines to Pyrenees 2013 official thread

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Hi Norman,

I / we appreciate your efforts, if you think the cars are safe in Chinon (with luggage in your cars) then I'm happy to go with that.

However, given the fact that you have spoken to the 3rd option then I think wait till tomorrow (out of courtesy) and see how that compares.


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Wayne, agreed, lets see what the menu is from the 3rd option.

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Just so I don't get confused.


http://www.lesannees30.com/  the 27.50€ menu above. In Chinon. No car parking but a very scenic old town.

http://www.auberge-brenne.com/ car park but menu is 55€. Booked before I'd seen the price! (idiot)

http://www.aucarrouseldessaveurs.fr small car park, may be low cost (is that cheap?) menu. But fixed menu which I'm waiting for.


So that's it. I think I'll cancel the Brenne as it's one menu at 55€.

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OK, menu has just arrived from Le Carrousel des Saveurs



We need to choose all over again! Seems to me we're better off in Chinon. I've done a quick translation for the cheapest manu.



ED TO ADD: the email says: "16 people must choose a menu in advance, the same for everyone." I don't know if he means choices from the same menu or the same dishes for everyone. I'll ring and find out. I suspect he means the same dishes for everyone, ie a fixed menu.


UPDATE They want us to all have the same dish. ie we must all have the the same food. I see this as a non starter, to get 16 people to agree to have the same dishes may be possible given 6 weeks but not in four days.



Menus Groupes


Menu à 22 € ( Entrée/Plat/Dessert )

32 € ( Entrée/Poisson/Viande/Dessert )


Forfait boisson : à 10 €/ Personne ( Kir maison, Vin [ 1 bouteille pour 3 pers ], Eaux et Café) pour menu 21 €

                          à 12 €/ Personne (Kir maison, Vin [ 1 bouteille pour 2 pers ], Eaux et Café) pour menu 31 €



·        Sphère de Saumon mariné et Légumes croquants

Sur lit de Salade et coulis de Fenouil SALMON


·        Terrine de Lapin et échalotes en fine gelée au Thym

Réduction aux Noisettes grillées RABBIT


·        Aspic de Moules aux Herbes et son Croustillant

Crème au Safran du Gâtinais * MUSCLES




·        Éventail de Saumon cuit au four

P de Terre à la ciboulette et fondue de Poireaux SALMON


·        Dos de Cabillaud rôti et son Risotto

Sauce au Romarin COD


·        Roulade de Sabre meunière et ses Légumes

Beurre de Citron vert et Gingembre FISH



·        Épaule d’Agneau cuite « comme un Tajine »

Olive/Amandes ou Thym/Citron confit et ses Gnocchis SHOULDER OF LAMB


·        Demi Coquelet en habit blanc

Darphin de Pomme de Terre et Légumes HALF A CHICKEN


·        Poitrine de cochon confite aux Herbes du jardin

Garniture aux deux Pommes PORK BELLY



·        Þ   Þ      Sélection de fromages et salade à 5 € CHEESE



·        - Gâteau ( parfum au choix )

En assiette gourmande avec sorbet et fruits poêlés


·        Diplomate aux parfums des îles ( Rhum/Coco )

Farandole de Fruits exotiques


·        Feuilleté aux Pommes caramélisées

Crème anglaise aux éclats de Nougatine




Menu à 33 ( Entrée/Plat/Dessert )

50 € ( Entrée/Poisson/Viande/Dessert )


Forfait boisson : à 10 / Personne ( Kir maison, Vin [ 1 bouteille pour 3 pers ], Eaux et Café) pour menu 32

                           à 12 / Personne (Kir maison, Vin [ 1 bouteille pour 2 pers ], Eaux et Café) pour menu 50



·        Croquant de filets de Sardines marinées

Sauce à la Graine de Moutarde


·        Bavarois de Saumon fumé et sa tuile de Parmesan

Mascarpone au Concombre


·        Profiteroles de Magret de Canard et Faisselle

Huile vierge : tomate, olive, échalotes ciselées


·        Terrine de Foie Gras « maison » au Vouvray *

Caramel citron et poudre de Zeste d’Orange



·        Croustillant de Homard et sa Bisque

Duxelles de Champignons et étuvée de Poireaux


·        Bar de Ligne au beurre de Champagne

Ravioles de Légumes


·        Rôti de Lotte aux Légumes confits

Sauce au Romarin



·        Feuilleté de Ris de Veau à la crème de Morilles

Champignons et flan aux épices


·        Pigeon de Racan rôti *

Jus de volaille caramélisé aux parfums de Cacao


·        Tournedos de Filet de Bœuf et son croustillant de Pomme de Terre

Miroir de Vin rouge de Loire *



Þ    Þ   Þ      Sélection de fromages et salade à 5



·        Gâteau ( parfum au choix )

En assiette gourmande avec un sorbet et un fruit poêlé


·        Baba au Calvados et sa tranche de Pomme caramélisée

Crème anglaise à la Gousse de Vanille « Bourbon »


·        Croustifondant praliné et mousse Citron

Sirop de Cacao


Nous vous demandons de faire le choix dun menu unique pour lensemble des convives ,

Un acompte de 25 % vous sera demandé pour toute réservation.

Le nombre pris en compte pour la facturation sera celui confirmé une semaine avant la prestation.


Menus Prix net  Hors boissons

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If you look at "78 Rue Hautes St Maurice, 37500  Chinon"   on Google earth you'll see what the problem is. 


So, I suggest we all meet at the restaurant and get all the baggage into the two tintops then all drive off and find somewhere to park our cars.


If you look at Quai Charles VII which is the main road by the side of the river we should find enough parking along there. Sunday should be quiet but, of course, it may be full of people like us - tourists! Anyway, this is walkable to the restaurant.


PLAN B, I keep searching.




John Williams



Steve L

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I'm happy with the Chinon Norman and if we could put the luggage in your car that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Wayne

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Thanks Wayne, that's my thoughts. Can we get everyone else to agree. I'll keep a list on the thread above.

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Plan A sounds fine to me just didnt fancy leaving luggage on back of car..worried I might lose my brand new WSCC mankini


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Thanks Manuel, er Steve.


Only 2 to go and it's sorted.

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plan A and thank you for all your efforts!!!

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Thats the meal sorted, all we have to do is turn up I suppose.


Is everybody ready to go? last minute engine and gearbox change. Hang on thats an idea, now where did I put that V8 thingy lol



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OK, I'll assume that Lee and Marcus will go with it. I'll get it booked in the morning.


I'll also make sure we can get along the road outside the restaurant for a few minutes. If not I'll find somewhere else.


I'll confirm it all as soon as I've spoken to the restaurant.

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Fine with plan A Norm  :t-up:​ What time will the restaurant be serving? be handy to know as we have an onward journey to Orleans however long that takes!?

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Thanks Manuel, er Steve.


Only 2 to go and it's sorted




Sorry Marcus/Lee, thought you had said Plan A already for some reason and Norm was only waiting for John and me.


Senoir moment again.



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