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Lane hogging fines


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I'll try and remember when I come over next, not sure I can remember when that will be though.

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During many of the previously described trips I would be doing 60-65 in the "slow lane" I would often be the fastest car on the motorway. I'd pull into middle lane to pass a slower vehicle, then back left and accelerate down the inside of people. In doing this people would start to follow. In watching traffic it's obvious that they are all sheep and if there's middle lane drivers people follow them, pull right to pass sometimes, then continue in the middle lane. Then you get 60mph in middle lane, someone doing 65mph passing in outside lane and someone coming down outside lane at 100mph, followed by someone doing 95mph then the two fast cars brake last second and a caterpillar effect causes a plug of traffic doing 40-50mph in the fast lane. Causing traffic cutting into middle lane and causing late braking in middle lane and the same caterpillar effect there.

All speed's just to demonstrate what I've seen many times while chilling out on hills overlooking motorways near where I lived for a few years. Holiday traffic on the M5 is entertaining to a 12yr old!

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Howdy doody StevieD grits and hog jowls for tea. Have you finished the new web site and mankini. Can't comment but do feel nauseous at the thought sorry. Yellowstone tomorrow over the Bearstooth highway, I'm guessing no overtaking there. Now back on thread , sorry for the offtopic stuff but I'm using my phone with fat fingers.


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Bob, do you know where the kids get finger sharpeners?

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Whilst I agree that motorway experience should be compulsory it's difficult to manage especially for those who live too far from one ie most of Scotland!

However, technology allows those concerned to still 'experience' motorway driving via simulators. It doesn't have to be a pass/fail test, just an awareness course. Similarly, I strongly believe that learners should attend a skid awareness course, simply to experience, and possibly steer out of a dangerous condition.

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I know someone who can't park, won't drive at night and the furthest she'll go is the supermarket, about 2 miles, that's the return journey.


She should not be allowed on the roads but has a licence.


My father was a terrible driver. I taught him to drive when he was in his 50s. Before that he'd never driven. He didn't have any accidents until he turned the car over at a roundabout. However he did leave a trail of chaos behind him. After his first and last accident he decided to give up driving.


Having said all that the UK driving standards are far better than here in France.

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I think a system like used in London should be made nation wide on motorways and city streets. If people were patient and followed the road laws, understanding the Highway Code the roads would be far better. While going 2 into 1 lane, every other car should slot in. It's when people block people from getting in that there's an issue or when people queue jump. If there's a red light... Stop ??? Sounds really daft, but these simple things get ignored and then chaos starts and roads jam up and stop moving... Causing aggression and more morons ignoring those simple things.

Someone spent a long time deciding on what should be in the Highway Code and if followed driving is far better. Same with speed limits, I and one of the few that does 25-30 in a 30, 60-70 on a motorway and I've ended up driven into due to impatient people driving through me.

Well known A-roads and B-roads I admit are my playground! But only if I can see it's clear ahead! Seen bikers after being squished... Not a good thing. Seen cyclists that have been hit at 40-45 in a 30... A good friend was killed like this. Seen cars after hitting deer, badgers... Even horses at speed and it ain't gonna polish out!

I believe there's a "well they did it" attitude with a "I'm not as bad as..." Type reasoning that has caused the breakdown in driving, coupled with nervous drivers holding up impatient drivers... Making impatient drivers more impatient and nervous drivers more nervous!

My wife's a mediocre driver, in country lanes has great road position, speed limits are ok, accelerates out of corners and holds her own on motorways. But 25 mile radius of Birmingham she gets nervous, hands all over the place and turns into a learner driver. Waiting in middle of road to turn right, car behind hits horn... Makes her worse! Car behind drives down pavement and she's close to tears and scared the driver's going to get out and attack her... Happens most times she drives on one busy right hand turn. Routes are planned to avoid it, but causes a 18 mile diversion.

To add, this is calmly typed and descriptive observational opinion. Not an angry attack at drivers.

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Yeah, the 'merge in turn' thing on lane mergers is also a bugbear of mine .. well, I mean the lack of it! :bangshead:

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how about a electric shock system ,when you sit in a lane to long zap ! pow! kabooooom! 450v through your ass , that should sort it out because the police cant police it



or just turn your car off for driving like a dick ,and get a 30 minute penalty where you have to sit and wait for 30 minutes at the side of the road to your car to restart , that would be easier to police than on the spot fines

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Yeah, the 'merge in turn' thing on lane mergers is also a bugbear of mine .. well, I mean the lack of it! :bangshead:

My observations of people's driving have led me to the conclusion that everyone pays road tax... So the bit of road they are on and the 10ft to the front of their car is their property! Society don't like to share and can't look beyond their own noses... So anyone in their 10ft is in the wrong... Even if their driving puts you in that 10ft!


Back home people let you in/out of junctions... Unless holiday makers! Here if you flash someone out of a junction they ignore you and don't know what to do... Clearly nobody does it here. I mentioned this to mate, he said people flash you out, then ram you and claim off your insurance!!! Two days later, it was in the news! Shows that people here are nervous and untrusting of everyone.

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how about they just remotely turn your car off for driving like a dangler ,and get a 30 minute penalty where you have to sit and wait for 30 minutes at the side of the road to your car to restart , that would be easier to police than on the spot fines

Slight edit, makes it spot on! When remotely disabled, doors locked!

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