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Lane hogging fines


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I assume proof will come from video evidence using the camera in police cars who would need to follow the miscreants for some time/distance.

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Edit: must type faster! :laugh:

Perhaps - but your slower reply is far more eloquent than mine  :yes:

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I believe it when I see it.

Sis in law hates motorway driving, as do most people, she thinks (actually said this) the best way to drive is 85mph, cruise control on, stay in the fast lane. Many drivers adopt this. Then you have your group that sit at 65 in the middle... Sometimes 60! But as soon as you try to pass them they put power on!

What needs to be policed is slip roads! Where people do not pull across to let people join the motorway... Even know the vehicles on slip roads have right of way! And morons that do 100 mph in fast lane and come off by cutting across the motorway at the last second... Then worst of all!!!

There's a queue, join it and stay in it, DO NOT cut down the outside and push in at last second. That is why there's a queue! If you got in lane earlier the queue would not develop!

should read the highway code


When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway. You should

* give priority to traffic already on the motorway

* check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane

* not cross solid white lines that separate lanes or use the hard shoulder

* stay on the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway

* remain in the left-hand lane long enough to adjust to the speed of traffic before considering overtaking


Who has the right of way.? ;)

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I must say, the one thing my young daughter who has only been driving a short time fears the most is merging onto a motorway.

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From the article on BBC News:


Among the offences police are expected to focus on are:
• Driving too close to the vehicle in front
• Failing to give way at a junction (not requiring evasive action by another driver)
• Overtaking and pushing into a queue of traffic
• Being in the wrong lane and pushing into a queue on a roundabout 
• Lane discipline, such as needlessly hogging the middle or outside lanes
• Inappropriate speed
• Wheel-spins, handbrake turns and other careless manoeuvres


The vast majority of those things are pandering to those who cause the problems in the first place!  I get most frustrated by the 45mph brigade who, when finding a member of the 40mph club, simply bunch up behind them and prevent anyone else from executing a series of safe, legal, overtakes to pass them.  Even if the gap is big enough you still tend to get flashy flashy/coffee bean responses.


Of course, we'll soon discover as fines are handed out to anyone trying to make progress that there's no way that folk such as the old dear who turned out safely from a side road into lane one of the dual carriageway then, with neither indication nor apparently checking her rear view mirror or speed matching, pulled into my path in lane two this morning could possibly be deemed careless.

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How motorway driving isn't part of the driving test is beyond me.


Your not taught to drive on it, not tested to drive on it; but driving on it is perfectly fine as you can do a 3 point turn in Tesco's car park.

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What needs to be policed is slip roads! Where people do not pull across to let people join the motorway... Even know the vehicles on slip roads have right of way!

Please get your facts right and read Highway Code 259

I'm sick of people who just pull out infront of me when I'm driving and im not able to move into the middle lane due to traffic already there. Probably lane hoggers

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Iv'e seen people slow to a halt to let someone join the motorway from the "slowing down " lane . see it every day on normal roads and mostly when there is absolutely no need too :t-up:  .


If folks just followed the highway code most of the  problems mentioned  above would resolve themselves   :t-up:

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Many people are frightened to get up to the speed of the motorway traffic and try and pull out 30 mph slower than the moving traffic. They should be banned as they are dangerous.



it just strikes me as an ill thought out rule that will punish people who are nomianlly good drivers and probably miss the people who persistently do it.





Your not understanding. This is another announcement to get votes. Many will see it as a good idea and feel warm towards the government. The fact it won't actually do anything will not be reported.

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Think I need to type faster too or read the rest of the topic :)

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Umm, common misconception that traffic joining the motorway has right of way. Traffic ON the motorway have right of way. Traffic merging onto motorways enter the motorway when it is safe to do so! usually this means, the kind souls on the motorway move out but sadly, it's not always the case! You can tell this by the dash lines as you enter the motorway. Slip roads on and off are the length they are to allow for merging traffic to reduce speed or build up speed to match to motorway traffic. Sadly, considerate drivers are a minority...


Edit: must type faster! :laugh:


That is so true.


Typical example, I am driving along the motorway in motorhome with car trailer behind in the inside lane ( so not exactly the most manoverable of rigs). Slip road comes up and woman (didn;t you know it would be) accelerates down it and is now alongside me, there is a car in the middle lane, so I can't move. She eventually figures out that I am not going to move and has to brake a bit to go behind me. She then accelerates alongside and starts giving me verbal abuse. She obviously had not got a clue she was wrong.


That's why as many have already said learners should be taught to drive on the motorways. although having said that, some peoples driving on normal roads makes you understand that they really don;t have a clue.

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Further discussions to take place on BBC Radio 2 this afternoon on their phone-in show.


This should be good....

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a pile of crap and unpoilceable , I travel hundreds of miles some weekends and don't see even one police car on the motorway so its a total waste of time imho

I agree!

Last year I did 600-800 miles a week and most of that on the M5 in 200 mile trips. Very rare a copper seen. The routes you drive are horrible, M6-M1 (I think) is always rammed and due to morons sitting in a lane and not letting people join the motorway.

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I'm a driving instructor - and I agree that it's mad that learners are not required to have any experience on motorways! There are post test courses like 'pass plus' that we can teach pupils on motorways but it is a very hard thing to sell to pupils who once they already have their licence naturally don't want to be spending more money on extra training. I try my best to prepare them before their test though by getting them onto dual carriageways when I can (nearest one is an hours drive from me) or at the very least getting them experience of parking and moving off from layby's on national speed limit roads which introduces them into the concept of joining (and maybe giving way!) into faster traffic. But ultimately it needs a change in the law - compulsory motorway training or compulsory 'pass plus' courses would be good because those also cover night driving which again some pupils never experience till after passing their test.

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I'm a driving instructor


We need more driving instructors with an interest in cars!


Based on some of the crap that driving instructors have told kids of relatives, I'm minded to add "what do the letters YB mean to you?" to my already fiendish list of questions to be used when selecting one for my kids.

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