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Lane hogging fines


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Who's going to police it? Hopefully not HATOs.

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I believe it when I see it.

Sis in law hates motorway driving, as do most people, she thinks (actually said this) the best way to drive is 85mph, cruise control on, stay in the fast lane. Many drivers adopt this. Then you have your group that sit at 65 in the middle... Sometimes 60! But as soon as you try to pass them they put power on!

What needs to be policed is slip roads! Where people do not pull across to let people join the motorway... Even know the vehicles on slip roads have right of way! And morons that do 100 mph in fast lane and come off by cutting across the motorway at the last second... Then worst of all!!!

There's a queue, join it and stay in it, DO NOT cut down the outside and push in at last second. That is why there's a queue! If you got in lane earlier the queue would not develop!

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Also tailgating, the next thing will come out will be a sealed box with a camera to record tailgating which people/police can use to prosecute drivers


But normal Tailgating only happens because of Lane Hoggers 

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I say all cars, other than westfield's, and the like, should be banned!

People would feel exposed and slow down, there's two seats, so families with 48 children will cease to exist and people attempting 10ph in rain will die.

Problem solved.

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compulsory re-tests every 10 years and motorway driving to be part of the test.

lets see how busy are roads would be then !!!

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A good example of not attacking the cause of the problem.


People only hog because the speed limits are too low and they have never been taught how to drive on a motorway..


If it was 85 or 90 they would pull over I'm sure.  At the moment they are in their own little world and think I am doing 70 or 75 what's the problem.


Id like to see the return of some basic TV ads like we used to have.  Who remembers the green cross code ads.  Well a few similar on TV would definitely help.


I drive from the M25 up the M1 a lot and it must be the worst road for poor lane discipline and now it is 4 lanes the inside 2 may as well not be there. 

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I watched with interest the report on BBC news this morning.


The BBC said on the spot fines.


Then they interviewed the minister and it's a fixed penalty notice not on-the-spot (as in France, you pay the Gendarme there and then).


Then the interviewer asked him what was the point when there were no police patrols. Now wait for it, you'll love this. He said that any police officer could issue the tickets, it did not have to be a motorway patrol. Have you seen PC plod walking up the M1, I haven't but it invokes a great image.

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a pile of crap and unpoilceable , I travel hundreds of miles some weekends and don't see even one police car on the motorway so its a total waste of time imho

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a pile of crap and unpoilceable , I travel hundreds of miles some weekends and don't see even one police car on the motorway so its a total waste of time imho

plenty of the plastic police to shut the road tho. i agree with you tho steve who's going to police it? and how is it decided. at which point should you be over a lane??


one drivers judgement is different to the next. i dont see the point in pulling over if the gap is too small so your just having to go out again. but then you get the situation where you miss judge the speed of the car and find youve been sat in the middle lane and you could have pulled over much sooner as your not really catching it up.


it just strikes me as an ill thought out rule that will punish people who are nomianlly good drivers and probably miss the people who persistently do it.

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I think there are a lot more plain police cars on our motorways than we think, I regularly see a cars pulled over on the motorway, very few are marked cars most are dark blue BMWs or Volvos. They can be spotted if you look though, tell tail signs are an extra aerial, some cameras etc stuck to the windscreen and if you are close enough you can see some lights inserted into the bumpers, I followed one on the motorway last week and he sped off, a short while later there it was on the hard shoulder, it had pulled over the GTi that had over taken me a little while earlier at high speed.


I do think it will be interesting to see how this develops because I am not sure what constitutes the minimum distance for lane hogging.   

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You see lot's of HATOs because they are often stationary and you drive past them.


If patrol cars are in moving traffic you will get to see very few of them of course.

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Of course as long as they fine enough to create some fear / risk then it will have some effect.  Same as with speeding.

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What needs to be policed is slip roads! Where people do not pull across to let people join the motorway... Even know the vehicles on slip roads have right of way!

 Absolutely! If you're already on the motorway and see someone joining from a slip road, it's common sense and pure courtesy to pull into th e2nd lane if it's free. But according to the highway code, vehicles already on the M'way have priority and the joining driver is advised to match their speed so they join in a suitable gap.


 tell tail signs are an extra aerial, some cameras etc stuck to the windscreen and if you are close enough you can see some lights inserted into the bumpers, 

If you can see the lights in their front grille I think they should award themselves a tailgating FPN!

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What needs to be policed is slip roads! Where people do not pull across to let people join the motorway... Even know the vehicles on slip roads have right of way!

Umm, common misconception that traffic joining the motorway has right of way. Traffic ON the motorway have right of way. Traffic merging onto motorways enter the motorway when it is safe to do so! usually this means, the kind souls on the motorway move out but sadly, it's not always the case! You can tell this by the dash lines as you enter the motorway. Slip roads on and off are the length they are to allow for merging traffic to reduce speed or build up speed to match to motorway traffic. Sadly, considerate drivers are a minority...


Edit: must type faster! :laugh:

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