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What to do if it rains?


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Looked at the weather forecast on the Beeb this morning and fair weather was promised all day so I decided to bring my Westy to work.


Now sat here nervously looking out of the window and, as they say in Nottingham, 'It's getting black over Bill's mother's'.


With no rain gear yet, do I dash for home at 5.00pm and hope that the 20-odd traffic lights I have to go through are green, or do I leave the car in the underground car park, hope it doesn't get stolen, and catch the bus?


There is a third option: phone my wife and ask her to pick me up but run the risk of being reminded why my car isn't all that practical after all.


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I've brought mine into work today, it was also promised sun/cloudy, no rain. Its just started drizzling... gone and popped a bin liner over the drivers seat... its either going to be a mad dash home with north face coat on at 5, but I'd rather hope its dried up by then :)


Rain in the face hurts :(

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I've made a run for it in the past, you're going home anyway, so can get changed when you arrive.

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Drill a few holes in the corners of the front and rear floor pans - being careful not to drill in to fuel/brake pipes/wiring on the other side. Even with carpets in, this reduces the bath tub effect and lets the water drain out.


A crash helmet makes a world of difference to how uncomfortable it is, as do one piece motorbike over-suits.


In fact, with your head dry in a helmet, even if the rest of you's getting wet, it can actually be quite fun after a bit!

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Oh, and as Paul said, bin bags over the seats if they're padded vinyl, helps reduce the amount they soak up.

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Once got caught out in a hail storm. Now that hurt. Also looked like a right tadger sat waiting at temporary lights. 

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Wait until 6 PM or later and let the rush hour traffic die down, then dash for home.  Usually not that bad as long as you can keep moving, you'll be surprised.

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Oh, and if you do get soaked, whatever you do, laugh your :arse: off when your wife greets you - "Hahaha, that was fun!", etc. - and it will stop her saying "I told you so".  DO NOT call her and ask for a ride or you'll never hear the end of it.  Women remember ALL your mistakes and none of their own, unless it's when they agreed ("It was against my better judgement!") to let you do something that didn't work out.

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Take a brolly for the traffic lights, put it up when you stop, take it down when your moving. 

Driving in the rain is not too bad as long as your moving, sitting still in it an't so good.

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And watch out for deep puddles. Even going slowly through one once I got a bow wave that came right up and over the nose cone and bonnet; just a wall of water heading straight towards me, hit the windscreen and went almost vertically upwards, before Mr Newton took charge and it all came almost vertically back down again, straight in my lap.  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: 

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Just drive it home mate, if you are moving it's surpising how dry you stay even with an aero screen instead of a windscreen.

No carpets in mine either and a couple of drain holes stop you from sitting in a bath tub LOL

I have an all on one rain suit left over from my biking days and this along with an helmet keep me nice and dry.

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And watch out for deep puddles. Even going slowly through one once I got a bow wave that came right up and over the nose cone and bonnet; just a wall of water heading straight towards me, hit the windscreen and went almost vertically upwards, before Mr Newton took charge and it all came almost vertically back down again, straight in my lap.  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


Love it - I have a clear slow-motion mental video if it now :laugh:  :yes:

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1 hour to go until the time of reckoning and it's pouring down in Nottingham city centre....

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Driving in the p1ssing rain is all part of the fun of owning a Westfield. The car will dry out, you will dry out but the memories of the laugh you had driving home in the rain will stay with you for a long time. As others have said though, as long as you keep moving it's not too bad, just remember to take a cloth to wipe the INSIDE of the screen.

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