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Robbery... again....not sure how many more times I want to go through this...


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I see it too often fixing doors after burglaries (locksmithing)

Devastating :(

I like the shipping container chained to floor inside the barn with PIR lights inside and out

With CCTV dotted around

The blank shotgun cartages as mentioned on trip wires fired down into an old steel bucket make a lot of noise too

We all as a society need to partition our MPs to be tougher on criminals

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Oh man that's horrible.  Always happens to the good guys  :down:


Glad you're all ok and seemingly in a more positive frame of mind.  



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Well the offer of me sitting guard with a chainsaw ready and waiting is still on offer!

I'm glad you're positive, this destroys many people and businesses.

If police know who did it and know location, description and things... Are they near any big tree's? I'd happily join you and could find some mates to tack a chainsaw each and just rev it near their caravans at 3 in the morning... Close enough to scare them, but far enough away that we're safe and nobody could get hurt... I'm not promoting violence and an actual physical attack in any way. Just mess with their minds.

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Many years ago stealing a mans tools and preventing him from working and supporting his family was a major crime and punishable by severe terms of imprisonment and hard labour. Now the Police Force, sorry it's the police " Service " just treat it as an inconvenience. Our offices were broken into and we were closed down for 2 days whilst the Police milled about doing not a lot, the second and third time we just cleared up and got back to work and we were accused of disturbing the crime scene. Priceless.

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The detection for business premises must be very low now but it is not a new thing. Years ago I was a regional manager for National tyres, Our depot in Avonmouth was broken into, the alarm was silenced by foam and the phone wires cut. They took every single tyre in the building except 125x12 michelins which were so old Ben Hur could have bought them.

The police came down and looked at an empty building, but I took them to the door which had a perfect imprint of the full hand on in the dust. They said soco could not come so I offered to take the door off and take it to the station for them. That was no good so I cut the section out with a jigsaw and gave them it, they still could not get a print off it.


So after being closed for a day having lost £250k of car and truck tyres the investigation lasted the day. We were insured but this was a proffesional job which they were there with at least one artic and the interest was zero.


If I had taken that from a bank, there would be helicopters etc involved, they too are insured but it seems that anything that is not cash is forgotten then and even worse now.

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sorry to hear that James, I know you have a lot going on at the moment so I guess you need this like a hole in the head.

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Cheers Troy, We are always busy but without saws we cant cut wood.. simple as.  It's like someone whipping your rollers away, or Coops tool set, or steve's Carb area.... we have the work just no kit and all tha hassle of sorting it out....


I'm in Didcot on a term contract in another industry til Janaury then I start back in FS/Insurance but I think we should be sold up by then as this is the 3rd robbery in 24 months and I've had enough...

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Mrs Clapham had a suggestion when I told her of your good fortune.  She said that you could use a length of wire threaded through the tools like they do sometimes in shops to stop you nicking the mixers, toasters, etc. Except that instead of it connected to a puny little siren, you could put 240v mains through it, leave a pair of uninsulated wire cutters next to it, and a notice saying something "Make my day, punk!" Subtle, my Good Lady...  :oops:

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MOTCO - I have 415v in the place and have seriously thought about electryfying the whole roof area......  

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