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Robbery... again....not sure how many more times I want to go through this...


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Commiserations James, robbery's never pleasant at the best of times, but when it's the tools of your trade, it's not just you that suffers.


As others have said, an eye one eBay plus keeping an ear to the ground in the local pubs can sometimes help...


I hope you get sorted out quickly.

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All part of the modern attitude of today's 'free for all ' society


In reality there is no such thing as theft any more


Its now called   're distribution of wealth '  :oops:

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Sorry to hear this. Do you have insurance for it all? Have you any evidence on CCTV and are the horses ok?

As I'm currently not doing much with life, other than waiting on medical discharge and going to appointments, would you like me to camp out in the building... Chainsaws, rope and gun... I'll be more than ready for them!

At last a use for military skills! All those nights I spent on guard could've been good practice.

Imagine thinking of an easy few quid and getting a very angry guy with a chainsaw!

Hope you come out on top.

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I'm sorry to say that the chances are they knew what you had and already sold it. Like most cars that are stolen... Already someone waiting to receive them. Criminals are stupid, but know that minimal time in possession, minimal chance of being caught.

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For what it's worth James, I would buy a small concrete shed/garage and fit heavy duty bars and locks to the door. It's surprising how much can be kept in a small shed if you fit hanging brackets to the walls. But of course, you know that, sorry granny.


Does you alarm system have movement sensors? Did it go off?


Going off subject and bringing a piece of (my) humour to the subject. I have an image of Stephen as a guardhouse mushroom, kept in the dark and fed on merde.


ed to add that he's probably right, it's all probably gone to new homes by now. It's also likely they knew it was worth breaking in. One reason I don't like alarm boxes on walls and signs. They're saying "I've something valuable in here"

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Very sorry to hear this especially as not the first time it has happened.


Is there scope to use security boxes or cages to house the equipment?



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The thieving scum. Hope your ok bud and you don't let em get you down.

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James, I too am sorry to hear this. :down:

I spent twenty five years in the security equipment manufacturing business, and I have no idea how to deter such blatant theft. Physical protection - cages, bars, etc.,  must be the way forward, surely?

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Mate sorry to hear the s1te news..........  Build a metal cage in the barn and then electrify it with a number or volts ;)   :cool:

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If any of those thieving scumbags turn up here trying to sell your kit, I'll tie the :swear: up with your rope and chop their :swear: ing arms off with your chain saw. Thieving :swear: ing scumbags I hate them.


Don't let them get you down, I know there's probably nothing I can do to help, but if you think there is, just call mate.



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One reason I don't like alarm boxes on walls and signs. They're saying "I've something valuable in here"


I never liked them in the past for the same reason, but have gradually come round to the idea that a lot of theft prevention relies on making your property seem like higher risk/a harder target than the next best alternative - and there there is nearly always something you could flog on eBay/down the pub in a barn...


Likewise security lighting.  There's the argument that it just makes it easier for them to work on gaining access, but I did find myself thinking last week when a neighbour's garden was all lit up that anyone working on their back door would have felt very exposed (especially given they have cameras).


If there's access, rather than build a cage I'd be tempted to put a shipping container in there, bolted down, with a secondary alarm/SMS dialler.

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It's a lot of money to loose for a small business.    My suggestion is buy an old shipping container for your tools and lock that in the barn.

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Wile & Sooty,


I like the idea of a container.


Wile, you may well be right about make it harder. We've never been broken into so I can't really comment. However several friends have and their alarms have gone off, some connected to the Police. The thieves were gone by the time anyone got there. These were all in the evenings when the folk were out, not sure what would happen if someone broke in whilst you were asleep.


I refuse to have security type lighting here, not for security, just to be able to see at night. If it's cloudy it's very dark here and when we come home from a night out it's difficult to see anything once the car headlights are off. The wildlife will be setting the lights off all through the night and we often go outside late at night for a bit of stargazing, the village lights go out at 23:00, and the last thing we want is powerful lights destroying our night vision.

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