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Robbery... again....not sure how many more times I want to go through this...


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Morning all,


Some lovely local villains decided to tear a hole in my barn roof last night and then steal all my chainsaws and items of valuable work kit.


Northants area, Stihl Pro-Grade Chainsaws and bars, multiple climbing kits, 3,000m of ropes, capstans and basically all the kit we need to go to work this morning....


Second time in 20 months!!


And we have alarm, smart water CCTV, barky dog, big gun, and scary face..... is it just a sign of the times????  Do the criminal classes not get the fact that there was a trailer there worth £2,000 but without my rope and saw I cant pay the HMRC (sorry meant earn a living)....


Yours in utter despondency...... :(  :angry:  :no:



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James, doubt there's anything I can do to help, wish I could.


You'll just have to move to France. Plenty of trees here that need looking after.


My workshop hasn't even got a door on it but never had anything taken in nearly 8 years. All the cars are left unlocked and sometimes have the keys in them. We often go out and leave the house unlocked. The 7, in the workshop, is keyless and anyone could start it up and drive it away, (if they could operate the clutch). In 8 years I know of one crime committed in the area, when some Romanians distracted the local bar/shop keeper and their kids robbed her back room of trinkets and paste jewelry.


Are the Police doing anything other than giving you a crime number?


Has the CCTV caught the vehicle registration number?


No need to tell you to watch Ebay over the next few weeks, some of it may well surface for sale.

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Sorry to hear this James, you will do well if you get any action from the Police as "you are insured" crime number and the offer of counselling was what we got when someone drove a car through a wall at our Luton premises causing £60k of damage.


Have there been any caravan dwellers in the area?

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These people are scum - I have previously suffered many burglaries in my business and it is really disheartening.


Don't let the ba?#&rds grind you down.

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it will all be on the local gypsy scum camp wuv , same as around here

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Sorry to hear that, James - hope you see some of it back, although based on what happened when father in law had his van+kit stolen, I sadly doubt it.


Didn't they get in the same way last time?


Assuming you're going to bounce back from it all, have you heard of Alarm Mines (blank shotgun cartridge + tripwire combination)?  If not, might be worth looking into them as, with a little ingenuity, it'd be quite easy to run the wires to trigger in the event someone comes in through the roof and, assuming the barn is within earshot of civilisation, gunshots in the middle of might attract more attention...

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Chin up m8...

And get yourself back to normal ASAP - you need to rethink your storage , what you gonna do?

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Sorry to hear that James it can be very disheartening. Friend of mine left the big dog in his workshop at night Probably illegal if anyone was bitten!!! Hope you get sorted quickly.

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Sorry to hear that James it can be very disheartening. Friend of mine left the big dog in his workshop at night Probably illegal if anyone was bitten!!! Hope you get sorted quickly.

my mother had two big dogs in her house that didn't stop the thieving gypsy scum from next door they just hit the dogs with sticks and locked em in the living room

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Really sorry to hear this.


Any scum that nicks a tradesmans tools should have their left hand chopped off, if they do the same offence again chop off their right hand :angry:

And if they do it again chop off their head.....problem solved :)

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my mother had two big dogs in her house that didn't stop the thieving gypsy scum from next door they just hit the dogs with sticks and locked em in the living room


Sadly there are many ways to make a big dog ineffective.  Hitting them with sticks is one of the kinder ones I've heard of.  :(

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I will pass the message on to everyone I know in Northampton for you

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Really sorry to hear this James, it's obviously all to be sold on, although 3,000m of rope would be handy to string the scum up.  It's obvious the barn is nowhere near secure enough if they could beat the alarm first.  Keep your chin up, and hope insurance helps and police catch the evil scrotes.

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Sorry to hear that James it can be very disheartening. Friend of mine left the big dog in his workshop at night Probably illegal if anyone was bitten!!! Hope you get sorted quickly.



 Sorry to hear ut has happened a second time ............PC plod no good there either !!! Same up here with stolen cars & bikes 


 I think if you put warning signs up all over the place and that does happen then what can the scum bags complain about then? ......................probably can't read anyway so hope the dog is hungry

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