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Set Your DVR - Sharknado Tonight!

Captain Colonial

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A very good point!  Why are the UK military not training their helicopter pilots to cope with shark-filled tornados?  We are all at risk!

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Well sky box has recorded it and it's waiting. Mrs C wanted to watch "Saving Hope" or sommin. So I took night meds and passed out! Nothing beats pain killer induced sleep, while the wife thinks she's got her way.

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Trust me, you'll think you're in the midst of a meds fuelled "episode" when you're watching it.


Now off to wrap my head in tin foil so that the Governments mind control people can't tell what cheese I'm having for lunch.

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Did Tara Reid die by the end?


Sorry, no spoilers - you didn't watch it to the end?  Shame on you!

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Interesting - the film was so bad, it may have killed off that actor from Glee, Cory Monteith (whoever he was, don't know him, won't watch the show).  According to Wikipedia: "(Sharknado was the subject of Monteith's final two tweets before his death on July 13, 2013)."  He died from a heroin / alcohol overdose afterwards.


And AJ is right - they're doing a sequel next year, set in New York.  The horror... the horror!

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Hmmm, now there is something for the conspirators to get to grips with !!!


And about my employers, you must be getting the RN confused with the RAF, we fly any day any weather any where

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And about my employers, you must be getting the RN confused with the RAF, we fly any day any weather any where


Yes, but do you train for sharknados?  The safety of the nation is at stake!

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Sorry, no spoilers - you didn't watch it to the end?  Shame on you!

I just couldnt take any more! I think they should use these films as a form of punishment for any criminals with a brain.

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Not at the moment, I shall mention it to the boss and she what he wants to do

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Show your boss the movie - that should convince him.

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Good news!  They're showing it again at midnight tomorrow night - another chance to set your DVR! :t-up:

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