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Set Your DVR - Sharknado Tonight!

Captain Colonial

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...to record this gem on Wednesday night, 9:00 PM on the SyFy (which I hope you can get).


A stunningly awful film which is so bad it's good, and just as loony and unbelievable as the title suggests.  I defy anyone to watch it and not cry with laughter. :laugh:  Wooden acting, rotten CGI, stupid script - it's got the lot!


Best watched with a takeaway meal and copious amounts of your favourite drink! :t-up: Recommended!

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Do I have to? Is this an order from upon high?


What have I done to deserve such terrible punishment?

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Do I have to? Is this an order from upon high?


What have I done to deserve such terrible punishment?






Would you like that list in alphabetical order, or in order of the severity of boardroom crimes committed? :d

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OK, I think my crimes should be kept out of the public domain.


If I watch the first 10 minutes will that pay for my crimes, please, pretty please.


AH HA, I've just realised I don't get that channel, we only have freesat. SAVED from a terrible and wicked punishment.

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I'll record it on disc and post it to you, Norman.

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I'll record it on disc and post it to you, Norman.




I'll only accept it by secure delivery and if you send me the receipt for the courier in the sum of £72.86.


I'll really enjoy watching it then.

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Showed Mrs C first ten seconds of trailer... Genuinely interested. Not seen this thread yet though.

Anyone with Netflix?

Bltch Slapped

Started watching, Aussie film, main female cast consisted of six football sized fun bags that needed taming! Then not much female attached to them. These three girls were nasty as!!! But one of about three films I couldn't watch beyond opening clip.

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ah another one of the great films on syfy. it comes on the back of may-a-good mockbuster and stright to tv films from dimension.


iron sky is not the on you weant to watch. Nazi's at the centre of the esrth far surpasses it, and lets not forget the classics giant shrk vs mega octopus, swamp shark and sharktopus

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Just a reminder that "Sharknado" is on tonight, 9 PM on SyFy!  A tornado full of great white sharks hits Los Angeles - what's not to like?


Note to James Alexander - one of the stars defends himself from the killer sharks with a chainsaw, so your experience and opinions on this are required! :)

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One hour to Sharknado...

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fools the lot of you....





































Attack of the fifty foot woman is on Movie mix - :laugh:

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