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Donington Kit Car Show Sat 24th and Sun 25th August

Garry Bunn - Derby & Notts Joint AO

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Great line up. Wish I could have come over today as well, but had other stuff on.

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Well done to Gary, Dave E at al for all their hard work - the stand looked good and I counted 26 Westfields (plus one VX220!)

Sorry Garry - as soon as I saw my post I knew I'd spelt your name wrong - apologies, no offence intended!

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My first experience of a kit car show today and although I've heard lots about Stoneliegh, which I very much look forward to next year, I really enjoyed today.  I understand the weather had put a lot of folks off on Saturday, including myself and Paulm3 but we certainly made up for it today with a great turnout.


Paul and myself had a great run up, unfortunately all motorway going but detoured on the way home which broke the journey up and for me included a trip up Fish Hill on the A44 just out of Broadway, which is well known by locals and a must for any visiting driver/rider. 


The show had a great mixture of manufactures as well as suppliers, can't quite believe I came away without buying anything other than some brownie points when I got home :d


Garry and the team did a sterling job in organising the stand and kept the kettle primed and I bought home two empty cake boxes.


Anyway great to meet fellow owners and look forward to the next event.


Couple of pictures admittedly not brilliant but proves there was a good turn out.




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I was unable to make this show due to various reasons, but I was coming back from Yorkshire and pulled into the Tamworth services just as Marcus and the guy's were leaving the car park. Sad I didn't get a chance to chat but they certainly made a stir with the normal people!

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the show was a little quiet in comparison to the Stoneleigh show. 


but the mix of  show, the stalls and the racing on the track was great. mix that with good company and a blast over the peaks to get home and it turned out to be a great weekend.


thanks to all.


even the stig :p



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Popped over to buy a couple of bits and must say I did enjoy myself. There was a good turn out of cars and manufacturers, only to be improved upon if more parts and accessories stands people had been there....so come on guys this is a great event, please get an even better turn out by attending as there are plenty of us willing to buy things for our winter projects.

Met Garry and team, was made to feel most welcome so thanks for your hospitality :-)

I only wish I had realised how good the racing was and would have planned to make more an event of it......definelty a one for the diary next year, just hope it can be with racing again then.

The Westfield team doing donuts was the usual fun to watch, but the one that added interest for me at this event was the autotest guys demos.......wow......wish I could do a fraction of the stuff those guys can do....but I can assure you I will not be practicing in my car !!!!

Thanks for organising a fun and enjoyable day

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Thankyou to all those who helped out over the weekend, especially Ian(Gadget) and Rosie Morrison who set up the area on both days and supplied hot and cold drinks to the masses. Proceeds from the drink and cake sale made £50 thanks to all who helped polish off the cakes in record time.

The £50 goes into the pot for Frazers House Charity, a very worthy local cause.



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^^sounds good :)

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That's great Garry, well done. Rosie and Ian plus everyone else did sterling service throughout the whole weekend. Really helps "make" a show!

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