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Middle lane morons

jeff oakley

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I'd be happy to bring this into the 21st century and fit GPS trackers to every car. So that every car is identified, even without correct registration! So stops number plate theft and cloning. Any speeding dealt with, poor lane discipline, tailgating... Etc.

Sister in law drove here Tuesday, said she had more near misses in 8 miles of brummie driving than 9 years if driving in Newcastle and London! I think GPS trackers could solve this issue. I think it could also improve people's views on driving.

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I would not be happy with a tracker at all. It is unnecessary and would not work. Who would monitor it, big brother, who would have access anyone who can hack in. Bad idea that one.

Much better idea is to fit police cars with a car to car missile, when a car stops in the middle lane too long fire misslie. You would only need to do that half a dozen times and lane discipline would improve overnight.


It is the same with owners who allow their dogs to **** in the public places. Arm park keepers and the like with power to shoot the dog. Again half a dozen well placed videos of old people having their dogs executed in front of them , no more dog ****.


I like the simple ways.

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Is this actually going to happen though ? or is it another promotion job that will actually never happen as has so often been the case with this government.

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Another revenue raising scheme with the added bonus of the public thinking its a great idea.  ???

Thats not to say that the prats who lane hog are not a pain in the  :arse:

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Is this actually going to happen though ? or is it another promotion job that will actually never happen as has so often been the case with this government.


i would say its either another wild stab at buying a section of voters with an ill concieved and realistically unimplementable law or it was a cloak and daggers move to cover soemthing else much more important that was passing through parliment that day.


i would oppose GPS trackers in cars. you opt to have your every move watch if you want but not for me. i would argue it would lower the standard of driving not improve it.

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Happily, we don't suffer from middle lane morons much in Scotland because we don't have many (3-lane) motorways .. UNHAPPILY though, the morons are still here and hog the f***** outside lane on our many 2-lane highways!! :bangshead:  .. and usually doing just under the 70mph!! :bangshead:


I do find myself occasionally driving down the inside lane and passing said moron and pulling out some distance down the road .. I'd argue, technically not an undertaking manoeuvre, more of two lanes of traffic moving at different speeds and then finding a gap a la when there's congestion at rush hour :laugh:  

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