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Middle lane morons

jeff oakley

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Bob, If I remember correctly it's no longer illegal to "undertake". However, even if it is OK, it is dangerous I wouldn't do it.


For someone so impatient, I do not flash them or get too close. I sit about two cars lengths behind them (this is on 2 lane motorways, which is most of the French network) until they look in their mirror and see me. Actually the French are pretty good. In some cases too good. They will pull out to overtake and then pull straight back in. Then they pull out again about 1/2 kilometre further on to go past the next camion. The real problem is that they will pull up behind a lorry so they are a few feet off the rear and then pull out to overtake. Not too bad on the autoroute but a killer on single lane roads. They will pull out too see if the roads clear and get wiped out by the artic coming the other way.

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I have just come around the M25 and up the M1 home.


In most parts that is 4 lane and lanes 1 and 2 are almost empty.


But without getting accused of being racist, it is fair to say that many of the offenders look like they may not have learnt to drive in this country and actually may have learnt in a country with different rules, e.g US, Middle East etc.


Occasionally I flash them to pull over and they look at me as I drive past as if I have tried to shoot them or they pull over and you see they pull straight back out again behind you.


It is the same as people not knowing how to join a motorway.


Unless they have a real blitz on this I can't see anything changing and very few being fined.

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While I agree with this as previously said I think the bigger problem is that we are not taught to drive on a motorway. There should be a seperate part of the test to include this

Also on lorrys while they can't use the third lane what happens when you get 4 lanes? Can they still use just the 2 near side lanes or can they then use the third lane. The amount of times I come on the m62 out of Manchester and have 3 lanes of trucks going 54,55&56 mph up the hill leaving 3 lanes of cars forced onto the forth lane.

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we don't need a seperate test, we need a better test overall, but that is a different subject. What we need is everyone to do what the highway code says, which is keep left unless overtaking, simple. It is the arrogance that is displayed by these people who are in their own world. They use excuses like, I am breaking no law if I am doing 70mph, what is the point if you have to come back out again in a few miles, the slow lane is in poor condition, the slow lane is for slow cars, the fast lane is for fast cars, the middle lane is just right for me. All of these basically say I will do what I want. If they just have a huge campaign and fine a few old dears who then go bleating to everyone it will slowly have an effect.

As for multi lane roads like the M25, trucks can use all lanes except the outside lane, but again for the members of the middle lane moron club this throws then into panic, so default becomes the lane nearest the outside lane as that is where they feel they should be.

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I still can't see how this is to be policed. There are hardly any police patrol cars on UK motorways only Vosa vehicles.

Camera evidence will only work if the cameras have total coverage. OK on the M25 but not other roads. Anyway, you'll be lucky to find an empty inside lane on the M25.

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IMO it wont be long before all new cars will have cameras fitted on all sides, help with insurance I am sure and wouldn't be surprised if data could be sent to Police, fine in post etc

Biggest problem is number of Police, never around when u want them!

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I know this won't cure things, and the police can't be everywhere, but I applaud it.  Above everything else, it's thoughtless, selfish, inconsiderate and driving without due care and attention, and the sooner people start getting fined, the sooner things start to get better.

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I think the improvement will come from the fact it has been highlighted that it is illegal rather than just the enforcement. A lot of these middle lane morons are convinced that they are doing nothing wrong as they are within the speed limit (in some cases well within!). I'm hoping that the fact it is now emphasised that it is illegal and you can be fined for it will hopefully wake them up, 


The main problem I have with middle lane morons is that it is obvious that they have no idea what they are doing and who is around them. The amount of morons that you come up behind flash them and they still don't acknowledge you are even there, is astounding.

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I know it's wrong, but on occasion, I really can't help myself if someone is glued in the middle lane with no traffic around them and won't move over, even after I overtake them and move into Lane 1 - I get ahead of them and unload the windscreen and headlamp washer fluid with gusto (5L reservoir bottle) and soak them (unless it's a motorbike) - this is especially gratifying on convertibles.  I'm a very bad man, I know - but it feels good. :devil:

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Your going to say you use urine as an Eco friendly alternative screen wash next :)

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'Roundabouts' is a funny way to deal with middle lane idiots.


Overtake them in lane 3, pull back in to lane 1, slow down, let them overtake, pull out to lane 3, overtake them again, repeat....


Most I've managed is 3 laps, but a mate has done 9 :laugh:


Note this should only really be done at night when it's very quiet!

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show a bit of patience with the lane hoggers - I do (to a point)


on the other side of it I have no time for tailgater's - how often do I sit at (oh a bit over the speed limit :blush: ) and see some prat so close up my rear that he could fit a tail light bulb should he wish - then when I mover at the next possible place he is straight up the car in fronts rear - and so on


These idiots need taking off the road permanently IMO

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Cleggy, I have a two way headlight flasher. One way headlights, the other brake lights. It's really funny when I flash the brake lights at the same time as changing down and foot to the floor. They brake so sharp their BMW badge almost hits the road.

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show a bit of patience with the lane hoggers - I do (to a point)


on the other side of it I have no time for tailgater's - how often do I sit at (oh a bit over the speed limit :blush: ) and see some prat so close up my rear that he could fit a tail light bulb should he wish - then when I mover at the next possible place he is straight up the car in fronts rear - and so on


These idiots need taking off the road permanently IMO

That's because your hogging the middle lane :d
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'Roundabouts' is a funny way to deal with middle lane idiots.


Overtake them in lane 3, pull back in to lane 1, slow down, let them overtake, pull out to lane 3, overtake them again, repeat....


Most I've managed is 3 laps, but a mate has done 9 :laugh:


Note this should only really be done at night when it's very quiet!


Oh that brings back great memories of University. 


Best I managed was 6, but a mate managed 17 before getting bored!  :laugh:  :laugh:

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