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cheapest insurance for kids? classic car ?


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I went through all this recently, some of the quotes were outrageous.

Tried putting my wife and I on and this raised the premium , explain that one.

Cheapest we managed was a skoda fabia,(just under 2k per year), but to a 17 year old that's like suggesting a pony and trap.

Hasn't passed his test yet so we,ll be talking about it again soon.

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But the cost of insurance is averaged out. I too have an excellant record but for our Normal cars the premium does go up. By ringing around many insurance companies will use the first year as a loss leader in the hope you will not have an accident and renew with no queries. It is their business model.


:laugh:  As I said they think everyone is stupid.



JeffC, don't think anything goes under radar, but subtle changes on your application, (hence use of compare websites can make a massive difference).

For example, my lad works with me, if I put him down as an apprentice it costs him considerably more than putting him under the plumbing and heating engineer banner, doesn't change how or when he drives. Adrian Flux only have the box to monitor mileage (allegedly  ??? ) but doesn't hurt to let the lad think he's being watched anyway.


The box also has an emergency facility in that in the event of an accident it has a mobile phone built in that will call the car to check on the occupant, not sure how it does this other than realising the car has come to an immediate stop from speed.


My only advise would be to shop around on line and when you find something don't do the online thing, phone them. It will drive you mad on the email front for a couple of weeks but it's worth it.  :t-up:

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Putting parents as named drivers usually lowers the premium. We have Admiral multicar for all our family cars, seem to be the best deal for us.


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I have heard that a multi-car policy reduces the cost of insuring the yoofs...

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Tis all the cost of modern life, if you like the fast lane, you have to pay the piper.

Another beer please miss:-)))

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