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My sincere thanks to all at MK General & the Radcliffe Oxford


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Blimey what terrible, alarming but thankfully lucky news, I only met you last week and you looked as healthy as the best of us so your opening post really gives us all a wake up.


Very glad your on the mend and you've made it to tick another year off the birthday calendar - if you can't have a drink on your birthday then at least you have an excuse to have lots of drugs :d .


Take it easy and all the best for the recovery



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Cheers Glen

Just goes to show how fragile we really are!

Also how important it is to get out and have some fun!!!!

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Glad you're still with us Martin, sounds like an ordeal and a half. Get well soon



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Marto, I had an extra pint for you mate... cheers :-) have fun eating that blancmange< love james and debs xx

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Ha ha bet you didn't need much encouragement to down an extra one James, hopefully ill be fit enough to pop to Sywell for this Aeroexpo thingy in June, if so ill see you there ?

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we will be there Marto - get well soon mate and look forward to seeing you in the paddock very soon in your new race car :-)  :yes:  :yes:

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Ah Home Sweet Home


After 5 days of the best care any hospital in the world could offer, I'm back home on my favourite sofa.


A little battered and bruised emotionally & physically and with a bag of drugs that would light up the eyes of the cast of Shameless  :p


Time now to look forward to a bright future, a little less time stressed at work ( haven't quite figured that out yet but under Mrs H's orders ) and a little more time doing the stuff that really matters, Family, Friends & SPEED SERIES  :d  


Thanks Again guys for all your kind words of support, see you at a SS venue soon  :t-up:



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glad to hear it Marto... keep well mate and get well soon. james and debbie xxx :yes:  :d

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Martin, just remember as you feel better you must do exactly as you better half says. No arguing.


I do what I'm told by HM with regard my diet (diabetes). As you may have hathered I'm not the sort that takes orders but I know she's always right.


Keep getting well and stay that way. The work will be there long after you're gone so don't get stressed, enjoy it.

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Thanks Norm

Your right, Mrs H is in charge for now, no arguments I will just go with the flow. Plenty of time for reflection on how we can best change our life style or more importantly my work / life ratio.

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martin, I was working 18 hour days 6, sometime 7 days a week for years, I loved it, I suppose just like SteveD does. We moved to Sheffield and after a year we bought a house in a tiny village in the peak district called Low Bradfield. The gable end overlooked the cricket club. I got up on the Saturday, looked out the window and said "eff it, there's more to life than work" I never worked on Saturday again.


Look at it on Google Earth. our house was "The Old Cross" and the front is opposite the shop.

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Glad to hear that you are on the mend (and to hear that MK General comes with high recommendations - who knows, I may need it one day)

Take it easy.

See you at Grove Lock soon.


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