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My sincere thanks to all at MK General & the Radcliffe Oxford


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Yesterday was a bad day, just after my morning dog walk I suffered serious heart attack which luckily for me I have survived. Had it not been for the fantastic work from my wife all the staff at MK General and the incredibly skilled cardio team at The Radcliffe Oxford I wouldn't be writing this, so THANKS GUYS I owe you my life.

On the up side I've now had a thorough check over and apart from the stent fitted everything else looks good. On the down side I can't work or drive for a month so Curboroughs off for sure may no sprints or TDs this year, but at least I've lived to tell the tale.

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Wow, some day you had there Marto pleased to hear you made it through. You will be back up and dancing soon, take care.


Bob :)

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You should take it easy for a while. Then you'll need plenty of exercise in the form of daily walks.


You'll get plenty of advice from many quarters. Just keep thinking that not much matters as you're here to tell the tale.


Someone over here had the same, heart attack and then a stent. He's as fit as a fiddle now.


Wishing you a speedy recovery and KEEP SMILING.

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bl**** hell Martin that came out of the blue.


Glad to see you got to JR in time.


Let us know if there is anything you need.



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Good to see you still with us Martin, take care of yourself.


it can be hard following the advice sometimes, specially once the immediate shock has worn off, but stick with it over the coming weeks and months.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery.



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Thanks guys, I will be taking it easy, to top it off its my birthday today and I'm sat in hospital with no beer!

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But at least you're sitting up in hospital with no beer.   :)

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Yep you said it

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Marto, I'll have a beer for you mate... jeez you are a lucky man.


Serious offer (as ive got no work next week and I am now a nearly qualified mechanic having changed a bush and filter on my lorry) can i help with the garage for you - answering phone, bits and pieces??? 


If you need anything just ask me. 


Lots of love 


James and Debs 

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Welcome to the club Martin glad you pulled through it, Its my first anniversary this week, make sure you go on the Cardiac rehab course if they offer it in your area, if not I can let you have copies of the hand outs if you like. Happy birthday matey, maybe the third Mart should go for a quick check up :)

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Yikes! Take it easy there and indeed happy birthday!!

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Welcome to the club Martin glad you pulled through it, Its my first anniversary this week, make sure you go on the Cardiac rehab course if they offer it in your area, if not I can let you have copies of the hand outs if you like. Happy birthday matey, maybe the third Mart should go for a quick check up :)

That sound like a good idea, you listening Sparkymart.

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Hope you have a speedy recovery, there may not be beer, but what about a pint on milk and a slab of cake?

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bl**dy hell Martin that came out of the blue.

Glad to see you got to JR in time.

Let us know if there is anything you need.


Thanks David

Hopefully ill be well enough for a couple of hours a the Grove next month. Ill get Graham to chauffeur me :-)

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