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No more Mr Nice Guy.

Norman Verona

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Brian, we're definitely the "when in Rome" type. However, whilst HM has got the language under control, I'm not so good. I know a lot of the words but struggle to put them into sentences.  I also struggle to understand French when spoken to me at normal speed, let alone the very fast speeds most use. Our friend the doctor has learnt English mainly from us. He insists on talking English when in our company. I speak in French, well I try.


However I do try and I've found that if you try the French will have infinite patients for you and will help. Those that shout in English in the supermarket don't get anywhere.


Nick, we have nothing to do with any ex-pats now. We have a few French friends, but we are somewhat isolated being midway between two villages and only have cows nearby. We have no neighbours in hearing distance, there are two farms, one to the north, with an elderly retired couple, which we can't see from our house and the other to the west which is a working farm. There is only fields to the East and South. I love it, but HM would like to have someone nearer. 

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Brian, we're definitely the "when in Rome" type. 


God yes - I hope you didn't think I was inferring you were a Type 1.


It's very clear from your posts that you're in France because you like the life and the (vini)culture.


We interviewed an English family in Spain once for a UK travel programme. They had settled out there but were thinking of moving back because "loads of foreigners" were moving into their development. The foreigners were, of course, Spanish...

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Norman ,sorry to hear about your bad experience , there are plenty of low lifes in this world but don't let it destroy your faith in humanity , just make sure they are long gone mate.

I wonder if there is an eviction team within the WSCC ?, could be a nice blat down to yours

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Brian, I didn't think you referring to me as type 1 (I'm type 2 diabetic if that helps  :) )


I haven't heard any Brits here complain about the French as foreigners.


However I have heard, many times, the Brits say they're "glad the French don't allow the Eastern Europeans in, we don't want any immigrants here."


I always ask what they think they are.


We moved to France for several main reasons. Health, my arthritis isn't good in a damp place like the Peak District and to get out of my son's hair and leave him to run the business. I retired early as he wanted to build a windows front end on our system and I was too old to learn new languages and procedures. We still use all my underlying code but have a windows front end.




Funky, I don't need any help in throwing people out, it's only HM who stops me as she doesn't want any aggravation.


But it could be fun getting a WSCC posse up to chase the cowboys. After 10 minutes of that we could have a party to end all parties.


I've just strimmed most of the front of the gites and have popped in for a 10 minute break. Another 2 or 3 minutes around the concrete block BBQ and I'll be finished strimming.


Then I'll start on the bad gite. I'm going to get everything back where it belongs and then start cleaning and vacuuming. Should be finished by Sunday morning. I'm forever the optimist.   

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Sorry for your pain Norm.  Sadly, I too find that the maxim 'no good deed goes unpunished' seems to apply in far too many cases. I'm very much more careful where I offer help these days than I used to be.


Satré was right....


Sounds like you are winning now though - they will soon be nothing more than a fading memory.

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Norman, wasn't suggesting for one minute you are passed it in throwing out terms reckon there is plenty of fight in the old dog yet !!!!

Would be hell of a post eviction party though

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Funky, I know, it just struck me as being funny.


Chris, I think it's faded already. HM went shopping this morning and brought back a gypsy family who have nowhere to live.



















Only joking, I'd throw her out with them   :)

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Norman, I'd gladly help with eviction process anytime mate.  I can be quite persuasive and have once cut a hole in a front door with my MS 660  to collect a debt :-) 

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I just break their fingers.


Reminds me of yet another story.


A friend of mine in Sheffield is the acknowledged "hard" man for the city.


He and his mate Chinese Harry (really) who stuttered went to collect a debt. They forced the door open and sat the gent down in an armchair. John got a gun out. Chinese Harry spurts out "bbbbbut it's mmmmy turn to shoooooot the bastarrrrd John"


Gent paid up and they left. 

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Actually I've got some good story about John. Poor fellow had a serious stroke a few years back and is now little more than a vegetable. He's in a wheelchair with his head slumped forward and dribbling uncontrollably. Oh, that's not a story, that's the truth.



OK, another story.


When he moved into his pub he left his trailer outside and it was gone next morning. He asked around and was told the gypsies had it.


He drove up to the gypsy camp and walked in to the center.dressed in a long black leather coat. In a very loud voice he called "Want to speak to the head man, NOW"


The head man came out. John put his mouth close to the head mans ears and said, very quietly, "thats my trailer over there, I want it back today or me and my two friends will sort you out".


The head man was mystified, John was on his own. He looked around, returned his gaze to John and said "So where's these two friends then?" 


John, quick as a flash pulls two pistols from his pockets and holds both the the head mans temples. "Meet my two friend"


Trailer was returned within the hour.

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