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No more Mr Nice Guy.

Norman Verona

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I won't bore you with all the details but a lying git of a couple that we'd met twice before knocked on our door last summer and asked if they could stay in one of the gites for a few weeks.


After a month or so I wanted to chuck them out, but HM took pity on them and talked me into letting them stay.


They have not told one truthful thing since they moved in, just one lie after the other.


I finally got rid of them on Tuesday. They promised to clean the gite and leave everything perfect for people to stay.


Not only is the gite filthy and all the furniture not where it should be (most of it in the other gite) but I've now got two ceilings to replace.


The cooker has taken me 3 hours so far and still needs more scrubbing. After a day I gave up and cleaned the other gite so that our first guest can stay somewhere clean when they arrive next weekend.


So, that's it the next person who wants a favour from me will get told to have sex and travel. I'm just not fit enough to do this anymore.

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Jeez Norm, I feel for you mate, bad that someone has abused your good nature and obvious hospitality.  Hope it gets straightened up soon.  James 

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So sorry to hear that Norm, sucks when someone takes advantage of your good nature, don't let it spoil your wonderful outlook on the world...

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Nothing worse than a so called friend who betray trust. It makes you a bigger man than him Norman

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thats shocking. some folk just dont deserve friends

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They weren't friends at all. We met the at a pub quiz and then they came round to use our internet. next visit was a sob story about being thrown out of the house they were renting and could they stay in a gite for a few weeks until they sorted something out.


I blame myself, a lifetime of being tough in business (but always fair and straight) it's nice for me to be friendly and helpful in my private life. I'm losing count of the times I've been crapped on by people I help out.


It's a pity that from now on everyone else who wants me to sort something out can just eff off.

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Norm, some people are just compleat self centered, selfish tools, they need hunting down and there genitals setting fire to. Just got no tolerance for people like that, I got some lighter fuel if you need it. Don't let them grind you down mate.

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Norman, who on this planet would try and walk all over you? Yes you're a nice chirpy fun bloke... But once crossed!

I could imagine you sat next to a mate of mine...

This guy's dad was a builder, learnt how to build walls and was plastering as a school child, along with other things. Got himself a house, cheap, flattened it, rebuilt what he wanted. Once house done and paid for he left the army and took over his dad's business. He personally built an extension complete with full kitchen for a mate. On the side, as a favour. Used company stuff, JCB's, cement mixers... etc. Then got materials at cost, no VAT. Charged penny's for his time.

Handed the "Mate" the bill.

A month later... "Umm... Urr... Sorry, had money issues... I'll have the money next month... That ok buddy?"

So went back, no money. Guy turned a bit aggressive towards him, said stuff wasn't right and he wasn't going to pay until it was sorted. Mate said that if total amount not paid within 90 days of first bill handed over he would remove the kitchen and extension. He fixed all the issues with 48hrs. Turned up 91 days after first bill was handed over, in a JCB. Knocked on door, no answer. Called house phone, no answer. Got in JCB, flattened back fence, removed a fair chunk of the extension and left it in his drive, collected a bit more, dumped it in his drive. Sent a txt saying

"Sorry about the fence, I'll give you the money for it next month. I'll be back later to clear your drive."

That landed him 90 days in jail. I don't know how inside a court room works exactly, but while pleading his case he said

"It's my business, I still owned the materials as payments not received. I was collecting my property."

Also at another point stated

"I would do the same again, if I needed to."

Last I heard his business had improved since the free publicity in the paper.

Think he is based in Coventry area and it was 2010... I think.

I'd thought Norman would've done something...

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I have been known to be, shall we say, a bit violent.


But when I moved from London I tried to leave that behind.


I've also got to consider HM. Since coming out of hospital 18 months ago she is a bundle of nerves and gets very upset at any conflicts. 


Anyway, you live and learn......

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It's good to hear you put Mrs V first. I'm the same with Mrs C, many times I've had to sit back and count... Then support her.

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really sorry to hear this Norm, such a massive shame that the planet seems to be inundated with bellends :down: still i hope the negative experience wont dampen your spirits for too long, be a shame to lose such a kind natured person, i too suffer from "being too nice" syndrome, so i feel your pain! Nice glass of wine should help do the trick :)

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thats a crapper norm, i tackled out cooker with that cilit bang stuff at the weekend and it worked a treat might be worth a try and it works everywhere ive tried it. just spray on leave for a while and wipe off.

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Norm, please don't stop being helpful, we rely on it.. Not that this is about me :blush:


.. and good man for putting HM first, as I'm sure you always do :t-up:

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Just got back from filing my French tax return. Only takes a morning.


I guess, when I calm down I'll still be the lovable, friendly, helpful little gnome you have got to know and love.  :p



A little gnome, cleaning a wheel. Should be able to clean a cooker then.





Cillet bang didn't touch it. I also tried neat bleach. It's baked on hard. I got some off with some wire wool with oven cleaner. 


If I may explain that when we moved from our first house, which we had lived in for 14 years we sold the cooker to the new occupants. They were a retired couple who had run a cafe. HM had prepared two meals a day on the cooker for most of the 14 years. The new people wanted to know why we were selling a new cooker.


We had to go back for something less than a month later. HM nearly burst into tears when she saw the cooker. It was covered in black baked on grease and had brown streaks running down the front and sides. Our cooker here is cleaned down after every use and given a strip clean every week. It looks just as it did when I installed it whilst HM was in hospital.


Martin, the boiler, which is in the bathroom above the kitchen area, appears to have leaked and the ceiling is now bowed and water stained. It's not wet so I assume whatever leaked has stopped. OK, the leak may not have been their fault, but had they told me when they first saw it (you can't miss it, it's above the cooker) I could have stopped the leak and saved the ceiling. The stain is now halfway across the room. Another part of the ceiling has a hole in it.


I was wondering why the wooden floor which has been treated with an expensive lacquer stuff was looking "washed out". It may because I've found some bleach under the sink. It would appear she's been cleaning the floor with a diluted bleach mixture. The bathroom cupboard under the sink is the biggest mess. There have been mice in there who have eaten the soap. (did you know mice like soap?). They've chewed up all the paper, it's a right mess. I'll clean it and disinfect it thoroughly, but how do people live like that? As for the shower, well that's not too bad. By the smell of BO they both had I suspect they didn't use it that much. 


I'm off to the dechetere (rubbish tip) now with the first car load of rubbish they've left behind.

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