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Reaction to Westfields


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Shift the subject to an experience in your Westfield that's good...

I would, I've had many, but just can't really remember them in detail. I've had drivers in their cars pull along side and wave, :yes:, or similar. Usually enjoying their day in their Ferrari rep, classic or similar. Had a guy in something similar to a Bentley blower follow me into a service station just for a chat and look at my car... I had a gander at his. "Passes everything, except service station's" was what he said... I agreed.

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Are you saying Caterham owners are a bunch of drug dealers?






Can we change that to "Some Caterham....."




I won't go into the whole reason why we're not seen by others. The quick version is:


The eye is just a lens. It transmits the images it sees to the brain. the brain interprets the image into something it can recognise. The brain has a "library" of things stored. That is how it knows that something with four legs standing in a field is either a cow, horse or table. If we had never seen a cow and a cow was standing in the field we probably wouldn't see it.


Our brains have an image of a car stored. Problem is that image doesn't match the image our cars create. Hence some people just do not recognise our cars as cars. The brain therefore doesn't "see" it.


The same applies to motorbikes. The brain is looking for it's perceived image of a car. Therefore when bike approaches some people's brains just don't see anything. Hence the campaign "Think BIke"


Maybe we should start a campaign "Think 7"

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Can we change that to "Some Caterham's"

Maybe we should start a campaign "Think 7"

I had an idea. Instead of sweeping "Brummie" statements "some Brummies" would be better.

"Think 7" is a great idea. Not sure how to make it snappy but "Make driving your only priority behind the wheel" I see many drivers reading a paper on steering wheel, typing on laptop that's on their lap, txt'n, looking over their shoulder and shouting at children in the back... All while driving. Most in busy, slow moving, traffic. I'm sure many people here have seen/done this or worse. I'm one for phone on silent and out the way and if someone's distracting me/messing about I pull over and shout at them... A few people have been forcibly removed from my car and dumped at the side of the road. Yes I lost many friends in the process, but also gained much respect in my car. Even my wife has had me pull over and ask her to stop having a go at me, calm down and let me drive or get out.

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If you think this is boring.....put the telly on around 3 o`clock.....FA Cup ???????


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Yes, I'm also bored now.


I'm going back to cleaning the gites.

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Bored too... Why I come here. Lol. Nothing on TV and waiting on wife to return from work and go do something this afternoon/evening.

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Reactions to,Westfields?

Not great if you are meeting the local Caterham guys for a joint run up to Stoneleigh. Cold shoulder doesn't even come close...


oh dear :laugh:  must admit I am surprised really, you do hear of a bit of snobbery but I am surprised to hear it actually exist in any other than the odd few

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Cleggy, it's more than the "odd few".


Of course it's not all, I'm one exception, I hope you'll agree.


There were some AO's who were getting the Westfield areas to join them and vice verca. The L7C Chairman of the day issued a directive that only Caterham owners could attend area meetings. Then a Westfield owner and L7C club member stepped forward to take over his area when the AO died, I never followed up what happened.


You really wouldn't believe what some Caterham owners say about ALL other sports car owners but Westfield more than others.


That's why I'm so concerned when that attitude creeps into this club.

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I have a growing list of friendly neighbours who have asked for a ride out and take there kids for a spin when the car's finished. that's a positive reaction :)

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Just beware of the kids getting excited and burning their legs on the exhaust.


Don't ask how I know.

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I have a growing list of friendly neighbours who have asked for a ride out and take there kids for a spin when the car's finished. that's a positive reaction :)

:yes: had that from many work colleagues... Wife burns her leg on the exhaust, not the children and I'm not allowed to take my nephew in the car. Sis-in-law won't go in it and won't let him in it! But she also went mad when I climbed across boulders, like stepping stones, across a stream!

Back on topic, many children have gone to the end of the road and back in my car. Won't go much further than that... Just in case.

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Dont go further than the end of the road, remember you are in Birmingham, and we've all heard the stories of what goes on there!!!:):):)

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Dont go further than the end of the road, remember you are in Birmingham, and we've all heard the stories of what goes on there!!!:):):)

Before the end of the road is a steepish slope and 90 degree right hand turn. Within the first two weeks here three cars ended up in the hedge!!! Been here 6 months and every month there's at least one car in the hedge or tracks from another car!!! I live in a cul-de-sac and I drive at 10-15 mph round here and a few times had to pull to the curb and stop still while someone flies by at daft speeds... Clearly not seen me and if I was a child falling off their bike into the road, I'd be squished!

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I'd stay indoors then, lock the windows, and watch Attenborough on the tv

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