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Reaction to Westfields


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Never have problems with other drivers around here, they usually wave, take a photo or give me the thumbs up. Also, always let me out of minor roads when I'm quite happy to wait my turn. I can only think it is my courteous driving style and I always wave back to other courteous local drivers and plenty of locals know me through my job and from up the pub.

:) All is good here :)

That's like driving back home in Devon and Dorset. When driving down to Cornwall or up to Bristol it's like that. Just north of M4 it changes... Lol

But far more normal drivers and may cross one or two morons in every 250 miles I drive.

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The only problem drivers in Cornwall are the tourists !!

or woman driving horse box's ;-)
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It seems to be the larger cities that are the problem, everyman for himself it seems. I'm sure the smaller Northern towns, countryside and the Fylde Coast , are nice places to be driving around.

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It seems to be the larger cities that are the problem, everyman for himself it seems. I'm sure the smaller Northern towns, countryside and the Fylde Coast , are nice places to be driving around.

Hence so many Birmingham driving posts from me!

I used my Westfield every day for 27 mile commute! Plus other driving in the evenings and at weekends. However, didn't find the issue in Newcastle, London, Bristol or Exeter. But only drove a few times in each of the others. I always blame bad driving out of Birmingham on brummies that are on holiday!


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I have driven in Birmingham for many many years and never had a problem or accident, getting a bit bored of your brummie comments to be honest as I have lived in the brummie area for most of my life and do not fit into any of your stereotypes of fat etc, maybe its not the brummies that have the problem with driving?



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second this, you have to drive the Westie with same awareness as a motorcyclist.


As a converted biker of 15 years (5 years of that daily commuting) I'd say the Westfield needs MORE awareness! You don't get the advantage of height...you can't see over hedges, walls, cars....and people can't see you between traffic!


Within a week of becoming a Westfield owner I'd learnt to take more care than on the bike. I drive with headlights on all the time too now (like the bike).


I'm also acutely aware that a minor off on the bike meant brake levers, footpegs, crash mushroom replacement - cheap things. A minor bump in the Westfield does not involve any cheap things! :(

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Reactions to,Westfields?

Not great if you are meeting the local Caterham guys for a joint run up to Stoneleigh. Cold shoulder doesn't even come close...

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Reactions to,Westfields?

Not great if you are meeting the local Caterham guys for a joint run up to Stoneleigh. Cold shoulder doesn't even come close...



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Reactions to,Westfields?

Not great if you are meeting the local Caterham guys for a joint run up to Stoneleigh.

Are you saying Caterham owners are a bunch of drug dealers?

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I have driven in Birmingham for many many years and never had a problem or accident, getting a bit bored of your brummie comments to be honest as I have lived in the brummie area for most of my life and do not fit into any of your stereotypes of fat etc, maybe its not the brummies that have the problem with driving?


Sorry boney, I know you don't fit any of the general sweeps, many don't! Unfortunately the few that stand out do.

I've not had an issue driving around Birmingham in the tin top... This thread is about westfield's and reaction to them. I've only had issues in Birmingham and in westfield's combined. Except for a rear ending at traffic lights, while I was stationary, in a hire car and someone hitting me while I was stationary in an S2000 (both Birmingham)

I've driven 13 years in towns, cities and all over Europe. I lived in Germany and often drove to Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and into major cities. But never an incident till Birmingham and that was only after 2 years of no incidents here.

Boney do you drive your Westfield much across Handsworth, soho road and into town towards the QE... and back? If you drive those area's do you notice a difference in reactions? I find that in the Westfield people see me as a space and drive into it, before noticing a bright yellow Westfield.

I get endless "nice car mate!" "What is it?" and similar comments. I also often get let out of junctions and Ito spaces while in the Westfield. It is the minority of one every three or four journeys that makes it on here.

Also it may be that I'm not a fast driver, sometimes I may rev am pull off fast or rev engine. If I do that I find people move out the way or notice me. When I'm just enjoying the drive and driving normally revs low, sat in traffic I become invisible to some people.

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As a converted biker of 15 years (5 years of that daily commuting) I'd say the Westfield needs MORE awareness! You don't get the advantage of height...you can't see over hedges, walls, cars....and people can't see you between traffic!

Within a week of becoming a Westfield owner I'd learnt to take more care than on the bike. I drive with headlights on all the time too now (like the bike

I second this, I had bikes from 16-21. Only 5 years, but most of the time I used bike as main vehicle. In Westfield I'm far more aware of what's going on. I have to as you're seen less and more exposed to everything. No helmet on and head at same level of most engines I hear every car around me, smell every smell and have a sensory overload... I love it! Plus have to watch patterns behind me to ensure up and coming drivers are not going to potentially give me any issues.

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Reactions to,Westfields?

Not great if you are meeting the local Caterham guys for a joint run up to Stoneleigh. Cold shoulder doesn't even come close...


I`ve been out for a drive with a few Caterham guys and find them great Mat.Got Neil from Kitcarsdirect coming over in a fortnight in his new R1 MK and he`s a nice guy too.If you fancy another blast out with some guys who always (in my case) have only positive reactions to Westies......join up with some  `fast` bike riders.......proper tear-up.. :angry: ..if you know what I mean ?

Every action has a reaction....I find fast drivers get on well,whatever their mount. :)

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