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I also put another window in my hood, for the high level brake light.


And used SMD LED's for stop/tail and indicators


Since using SMD LED's nobody has said "your brake lights didn't come on.

The stop/tail and indicator ones here will be on sale soon, as will be the fog/reverse lights here. I'm changing to get all mounted on arches.

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Does an initially flashing brake light pass an MOT?

Well if you read the ebay ad it says it's fully road legal, but more importantly my car just passed it's MOT without issue.

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It's ten rapid flashes then acts as normal and doesn't go into flashing mode again unless you haven't pressed brake light for 7 seconds or more.




Very easy to fit too.


Cheers, in watch list and will be added to my car soon.


as it's a made up kit i can imagine easy to fit. i wasn't sure if you had made it yourself.

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Think I like that light too. :)

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Cheers, in watch list and will be added to my car soon.


as it's a made up kit i can imagine easy to fit. i wasn't sure if you had made it yourself.

No I'm not that clever! It's in-line with brake wires so I simply cut the two wires from light and joined them at both ends to the relay with those shrinking butt connector things. Cable tied it into place. 10 min job.

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I drive an ambulance, and you would be amazed how many people do not see 5 tonnes of the brightest colour known to man with flashing lights and screaming sirens sitting right behind them, needing to get past for all they know, to deal with a life or death situation. So don't be surprised that your little car doesn't always get seen or reacted to.


But I certainly sympathise with you - nothing worse than that breed of driver who seem to think they need to police the roads, ironically with bad driving, by flashing their lights or swerving at you even when you're performing a legal overtake. 



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Yeah, ordered one of the light flasher kits this morning.


It was an interesting thread to see after last nights journey home. (Those who know me may have wondered why I didn't post last night)


Don't want to say to much in public, especially till the required time for NIPs has expired. Have rather cagily spoke to local Police this morning first thing, but not much joy...


Suffice it to say, that the usual manor of dealing with tail-gators on the M6 of moving to the inside lane and bleeding off speed to let them pass doesn't work when they don't necessarily want to pass. Or when they pull alongside and try to force you on to the hard shoulder.


Managed to sell him a dummy after some, er aggressive manoeuvring and get on to the off ramp and cut cross country to the toll road.


I did get the licence plate, but was told, (somewhat off the record this am, that it was a stolen M3, already found, no other damage, and little chance of much further investigation).

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i've never had a problem as i don't overtake anybody !!!!!!!!!!

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I've seen people blocking ambulances and not moving to one side or slowing down... Usually little old lady's that will most defiantly require one in the near future! It's funny how the same people that do nothing to help will be the ones to complain about how long you take!


That's shocking! I often have people forcing me off the road, but not in that way! As for the police, I'm sorry to hear that and unfortunately that seems to be too common. I've reported a hit and run before and they said plates were for a silver corsa when a black Mercedes hit me!

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I'm forever getting flashed on a bike. People have no idea how fast and manouverable a bike is in traffic, or anywhere really. :p


I must admit I don't really know how to deal with a following ambulance, do you just keep going with the traffic and let them pass when they want, or slow down and pull over so that they would then have to accelerate up to the next car?

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Ben, if you consider that a lot of people just don't use their mirrors to know what's going on around them and the younger drivers have the  music (if you can call it that) up so loud they're all deaf by 25 it's no wonder they don't see you.


I worked with Police, fire and ambulance for 10 years doing the South Yorkshire Blue Light show and all emergency vehicle drivers say the same thing. 


I think you need a huge sound to wake them up.

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Yeah, ordered one of the light flasher kits this morning.


It was an interesting thread to see after last nights journey home. (Those who know me may have wondered why I didn't post last night)


Don't want to say to much in public, especially till the required time for NIPs has expired. Have rather cagily spoke to local Police this morning first thing, but not much joy...


Suffice it to say, that the usual manor of dealing with tail-gators on the M6 of moving to the inside lane and bleeding off speed to let them pass doesn't work when they don't necessarily want to pass. Or when they pull alongside and try to force you on to the hard shoulder.


Managed to sell him a dummy after some, er aggressive manoeuvring and get on to the off ramp and cut cross country to the toll road.


I did get the licence plate, but was told, (somewhat off the record this am, that it was a stolen M3, already found, no other damage, and little chance of much further investigation).

Not a nice experience at all Dave, that kinda thing can really shake you up, although thankfully not very common.  Hope it doesn't put too much of a downer on things  :t-up:


To the OP, I really hope that there isn't anyone out there that would genuinely run someone off the road out of some misplaced policing although sadly I'm probably being a little naive.  Any chance they just pulled out to overtake a car in front themselves?  That's happened to me once.

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I agree with Norman!

Most drivers don't see much past their noses!

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Sadly, we're the ones in the unusual vehicles so it behoves all of us to take extra care when driving.


The truth is that very few tintop drivers have any understanding of the acceleration or manoeuvrability that comes with a Westfield so are not able to make allowances for us: so e have to make allowances for them...


I tend to start from the assumption that no other road user can see me easily, and thus take every opportunity to increase my visibility. That includes making allowances for whether or not a driver would reasonably expect to be overtaken in a particular set of circumstances.


There's certainly some mad b*******s out there though.

Very true.   I did stop behind a Range Rover at traffic lights a year ago, he decided he wanted to reverse but did not see me as I was very low. Just scrapped my nose cone a bit.    I now make a point of stopping a good 20feet behind the car in front at any traffic hold ups in town.

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First team blat on Sunday, 150 miles up to Stoneleigh, the lead car overtook a 4x4 and I followed at the next opportunity and was then flashed and gesticulated at, luckily we were already too far away down the road to really notice - not sure what his reaction was when the next 5 Westfields passed him.  On the way home another 4x4 pulled out in front of the lead Westfield and meant none of us passed the horse box until it turned off 5 miles down the road.  Neither incident was a real problem but the lesson learnt was that drivers get frustrated stuck in traffic and you need to be aware.

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