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Reaction to Westfields


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Not exactly a newbie but do not post very often , seems to be two reactions from other drivers (non westfields ) ,they love them or hate them !! ,out for a blat in the sun yesterday afternoon and guess what ,making a nice gentle overtake on the car in front and he suddenly pulls to the right forcing me up the verge !! net result front offside wishbone bent and a puncture ,don't you just love it !!!

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Of you look back at my previous posts you'll see many many many examples of this. What it is people may check centre mirror, may check wing mirror, rarely check blind spot and think that indicating means they have right of way... However if you indicate on a motorway often the car coming up will accelerate to block you in.

I could go on. When your car's sorted, come to mine for a BBQ... Then you'll discover my issues.


Main thing is that you're ok and it's relatively minor damage. My car's in Westfield factory following a similar incident, except I hit a high curb, whilst braking and did lots of damage to offside rear suspension, wing and tub.

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I was nearly hit head on at the weekend (although only at low speed) whilst driving through my local high street - oncoming driver stares at the Westfield and then drifts straight towards me! Had to take quick avoiding action towards kerb but fortunately just had enough room. I've noticed this before though - drivers often drift towards what they're looking at. Westfield's are rare and so are a nice thing to stare at so take care out there folk!

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I've had a few incidents, every time "I didn't see you" or "your brake lights didn't come on (before high level brake light and SMD LED 15mm lights)"

Had this said to me by drivers leaning out their window as they drive by. Why I got a £250 tin top for city driving... That get's bullied! But rarely parked near.

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Some drivers act as if they werethe new sheriff in town... Theycan have very scary and dangerous behaviours. The same happens everywhere, and not especially when i am driving the westie...

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Sadly, we're the ones in the unusual vehicles so it behoves all of us to take extra care when driving.


The truth is that very few tintop drivers have any understanding of the acceleration or manoeuvrability that comes with a Westfield so are not able to make allowances for us: so e have to make allowances for them...


I tend to start from the assumption that no other road user can see me easily, and thus take every opportunity to increase my visibility. That includes making allowances for whether or not a driver would reasonably expect to be overtaken in a particular set of circumstances.


There's certainly some mad b*******s out there though.

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When I had my bike I use to get people ranting and raving when overtaking them on broken hatched lines despite it been perficatly legal. Not really had trouble in the Westfield yet.

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Sadly, we're the ones in the unusual vehicles so it behoves all of us to take extra care when driving.


The truth is that very few tintop drivers have any understanding of the acceleration or manoeuvrability that comes with a Westfield so are not able to make allowances for us: so e have to make allowances for them...


I tend to start from the assumption that no other road user can see me easily, and thus take every opportunity to increase my visibility. That includes making allowances for whether or not a driver would reasonably expect to be overtaken in a particular set of circumstances.


There's certainly some mad b*******s out there though.

second this, you have to drive the Westie with same awareness as a motorcyclist. remember the golden phrase " The cemetery is full of people who's last thought was it's my right of way"

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second this, you have to drive the Westie with same awareness as a motorcyclist. remember the golden phrase " The cemetery is full of people who's last thought was it's my right of way"

i second both!


I was a keen biker, but declared UK roads... drivers, unsafe for bikes. but missed the whole social side of bikes. hence here now! but i find that other drivers actually come across a jealous! when driving my Astra Convertiable a few years back driving was ok, then had robin hood, people didn't see me... then i had a black S2000, people blocked me, pulled out and did everything to make driving difficult. the westfield... well...


while driving about this weekend i was driving down lanes in dorset, gorgeous weather and i didn't see a very shiny morgan until it was quite close. i then realised that it's harder to spot shiny cars! the glare blends in with the glar from the sun. my wife was in her sunglasses, jumped as didn't see it till very late on, my glasses are polarised, hers not and the polarisation made it easier to see. so that could be another problem shiny westfields have!

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search for the theories norman talks about for why people dont see us/bikes/odd shaped cars. they cover it pretty well. but you cant get past the fact that some road users get jelous/are dikheads/swaer at you etc


i find that its the same attitude in the Z4 but not as dramatic people often pull out on you or block you esp when your on a motorway.  I expect the chavs to race you but they seem to not be interested as much in the westy or the z4 as they were when i was in a bog satndard focus ??? maybe they just know its not worth it. the people i find people speed up a bit when your going past or drive purposfully in the middle of the road are usually in normal cars with kids. best thing to do is not play ball with them. sit back and then wait for the right time as for us its a case of when not if you will pass.


the coment about being like a bike is a good one. i have a much greater apriciation for bike since having the westy. I still dont like some things they do as i think its stupid but its the speed and agility. Now most of the time, even in the westy, if a bike comes up behind ill make a point of moveing over to give them space.

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I've had a few incidents, every time "I didn't see you" or "your brake lights didn't come on (before high level brake light and SMD LED 15mm lights)"

Had this said to me by drivers leaning out their window as they drive by. Why I got a £250 tin top for city driving... That get's bullied! But rarely parked near.


Was thinking about brake lights during the winter and decided to fit a simple relay to make the high level 3rd brake light initially flash to make me more 'noticed' from behind - here is a vid to show you what I mean:-


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Was thinking about brake lights during the winter and decided to fit a simple relay to make the high level 3rd brake light initially flash to make me more 'noticed' from behind - here is a vid to show you what I mean:-




That's pretty cool, i like that!


so rapid flash, followed by solid on or is it a slow flash?


how did you do it? i know you said a relay, but where did you get the relay?



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It's ten rapid flashes then acts as normal and doesn't go into flashing mode again unless you haven't pressed brake light for 7 seconds or more.




Very easy to fit too.

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Was thinking about brake lights during the winter and decided to fit a simple relay to make the high level 3rd brake light initially flash to make me more 'noticed' from behind.


Does an initially flashing brake light pass an MOT?

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