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Stoneleigh and Father Christmas


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There were members there with those printed sticky tags, which were produced in the tent with a label printer.

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Hi Graham,

Think you have made a pretty good case, but really you should stay over next year, camping was a hoot :d  :d


Hello again mate.Original plan was to come up with the caravan and kids,but Steph`s op put the mockers on that.She`s a glamper (camper with glamour)so couldn`t get her under canvas.Me I`ll sleep anywhere !!! :laugh:

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It's always disappointing to hear that someone may not have had the best experience at shows and certainly any valid comments I'm sure will be looked at by the Committee. Suggesting improvements is also a good way to contribute to our Club.


I've attended the last two years and felt more relaxed the second time as I knew what to expect. Member or non-member, committee or not committee, it can sometimes be a bit daunting to approach every person that walks through the door (or marquee flap :laugh: ), so I like the idea of name badges with forum name and real first name would be great for next year!


How about a wee table as you walk into the marquee clearly marked up for WSCC members or forum members, where a badge can be printed off. Additionally, if a person is a member, maybe we can get a wee goody bag with even token items such as a Stoneleigh or WSCC sticker, pen and the likes!


I thought it a bit off that non-Westfield cars were allowed to park in the Club area .. were they members cars? Even so, seemed a little off .. I maybe just park my daily driver there next year! :p

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I thought it a bit off that non-Westfield cars were allowed to park in the Club area .. were they members cars? Even so, seemed a little off .. I maybe just park my daily driver there next year! :p


If you were there on Monday, Robert, I have to plead guilty. Speed Series at Hethel on Sunday, so had to get up early to get the 150 miles to Stoneleigh by opening time on Monday in the daily driver. Had stuff to get in and out of the boot, so parked at the back of our area. Apologies if that offended the purists, but my Westy has an 8 litre fuel tank and is not very useful for long journeys.

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How about a wee table as you walk into the marquee clearly marked up for WSCC members or forum members, where a badge can be printed off. Additionally, if a person is a member, maybe we can get a wee goody bag with even token items such as a Stoneleigh or WSCC sticker, pen and the likes!


I always wonder about this one if members be happy to walk around the show with name badges on ? if so why don't people change to their real names on the forum ?


It's a great idea, but don;t forget "someone" will have to be there all the time, so "everyone" can get a badge. We will need some more "someones" :d :D


Goody bag is also a nice idea, but again has to be paid for. As was discussed at the AGM, the club has only just turned around from losing £8K a year for the last 2 years. If the bag could be done by Sponsorship then great. :d

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What about name tags with real name and forum name, so many people "know" boardroom names but not faces or real names.


Just a thought.


Funny that I seam to remember wearing exactly that badge as pre-printed for me by the organisers ???  I too am not over confident taking to new people, but my nyr this year was to push myself & do exactly that, since joining the WSSC in January I've meet and made more new friends than i can ever recall. :t-up:


Graham0127 I don't recall you introducing yourself to me and I was helping out on the stand sunday, so i find your comments a little strange. Anyone can sit back and give feedback negative or positive, but if you want to change something get involved, don't just moan.


Maybe next year you could head up the meet & greet area on the stand 

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If you were there on Monday, Robert, I have to plead guilty. Speed Series at Hethel on Sunday, so had to get up early to get the 150 miles to Stoneleigh by opening time on Monday in the daily driver. Had stuff to get in and out of the boot, so parked at the back of our area. Apologies if that offended the purists, but my Westy has an 8 litre fuel tank and is not very useful for long journeys.

No, David. I was only there Sunday and I was simply referring to the cars parked amongst the 'main body of the kirk'..

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Funny that I seam to remember wearing exactly that badge as pre-printed for me by the organisers ???  I too am not over confident taking to new people, but my nyr this year was to push myself & do exactly that, since joining the WSSC in January I've meet and made more new friends than i can ever recall. :t-up:


Graham0127 I don't recall you introducing yourself to me and I was helping out on the stand sunday, so i find your comments a little strange. Anyone can sit back and give feedback negative or positive, but if you want to change something get involved, don't just moan.


Maybe next year you could head up the meet & greet area on the stand 

If I want to moan then I will moan & I`m not the only one who was unimpressed by  `our` club stand. If you read all posts you would see I suggested all wearing name tags (a week before the show).

Having read this posting of yours, I`m very glad you are one of the members I didn`t introduce myself to......hopefully we won`t meet in the future.........................

The world is full of people like you....luckily I don`t have to meet many of them.I`m also lucky that unlike you I`m confident and enjoy introducing myself to strangers.....

Let`s not go on & hopefully not meet either.

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let's not drag this one out - Graham has made his point and the AO's and Committee are discussing ways of tweaking for next year


We need to try to cater for all folk  :)

And repeat .... Chill out guys :-)

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And repeat .... Chill out guys :-)




The tone is becoming a lot less than friendly for no good reason at all, and is now firmly on the Moderation Team's radar.  As the Clegster says, chill...

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I think we should put a stop to this thread now. There has been enough said from opposite views to give the organisers food for thought. The origanal post I read as being one mans view and was food for thought, even though I felt it was wrong it was his opinion so how he felt was just as valid as those who say it was fantastic. In the years I have been a member there has always been room for healthy debate without getting into name calling.

You cannot please everyone 100% so perhaps we need to recognise that and move on.

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If I want to moan then I will moan & I`m not the only one who was unimpressed by  `our` club stand. If you read all posts you would see I suggested all wearing name tags (a week before the show).

Having read this posting of yours, I`m very glad you are one of the members I didn`t introduce myself to......hopefully we won`t meet in the future.........................

The world is full of people like you....luckily I don`t have to meet many of them.I`m also lucky that unlike you I`m confident and enjoy introducing myself to strangers.....

Let`s not go on & hopefully not meet either.


Blimey, did I really deserve that?


If what I said offeneded you Graham0127 then I apologise, that certainly wasn't my intention!  just saying if you want to change something get involved, that's all, no need to get the hump.

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