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Stoneleigh and Father Christmas


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Unless you actually tried talking to people is it fair to say you were ignored? People can't read minds and I think it's fair to say some people are quiet shy folks themselves, maybe some people who volunteer are indeed just that, but if asked a question, could happily talk for hours? Being someone who's known to jump straight in the deep end, it pays to just be forward with people, be the one to make the first move, what's the worst that could happen? 


I hope you attend next year and enjoy yourself more fella, it just seems strange to me that their are a few people complaining that they were ignored all day at a show full of like minded people who quite frankly, being as proud as they are of their motors, would talk to you all day about them if you asked?! 

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let's not drag this one out - Graham has made his point and the AO's and Committee are discussing ways of tweaking for next year


We need to try to cater for all folk  :) 

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For sure Cleggy, not meant in a disrespectful way to Graham, just maybe that a series of avoidable events  could have been missed all together with a simple hello? :) I love the hype on here during the lead up to Stoneleigh each year, can't wait to go myself sometime soon :)

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Unless you actually tried talking to people is it fair to say you were ignored? People can't read minds and I think it's fair to say some people are quiet shy folks themselves, maybe some people who volunteer are indeed just that, but if asked a question, could happily talk for hours? Being someone who's known to jump straight in the deep end, it pays to just be forward with people, be the one to make the first move, what's the worst that could happen? 


I hope you attend next year and enjoy yourself more fella, it just seems strange to me that their are a few people complaining that they were ignored all day at a show full of like minded people who quite frankly, being as proud as they are of their motors, would talk to you all day about them if you asked?! 

You obviously don`t know me.....I spoke to people who don`t  have a Westie or even any other kit car.........there were simply not that many on our stand to talk to.....I spoke to many of those who were......great guys,all of them .Just found other stands better.Look at many of the photos and see how few members were there with their cars. Were you there and did you `display` your car,or simply park up and walk away.   My car got plenty of attention,probably because it was at the entrance to the stand & I had a good chat with those who chose to stop .

I love my little car and like sharing the pleasure it gives me with others.I sometimes pick my kids up from school in it (one at a time) and find parents milling around it and kids wanting to have their photo taken sitting in it.....this is what I`d like to have seen at the show,but didn`t,

Did you honestly find the show exciting and inspiring ....which is what car shows are all about ????

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Look at many of the photos and see how few members were there with their cars. Were you there and did you `display` your car,or simply park up and walk away.


Graham, I guess you and I were looking for different things but certainly I was one who parked and then walked. Having driven 250miles that morning I wanted to see and enjoy the show, do some shopping and take the opportunity to catch up with some friends from the opposite side of the country to our own. Whist I did spend some time at my car I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be stood next to it for the whole weekend (as I was last year) I'd have missed out on so much else going on elsewhere. I was however stopped by several members I didn't know as I was walking around the halls, which I guess was probably helped by our wearing of pink, blue and greay shirts with our names on.  

For those that stayed for two days the best opportunity by far to socialise with other members was the evening BBQ. Once the stands and halls had closed, we were all gathered back at our marque and had a good chance to sit around, talk, share some banter and enjoy a pleasent evening and a few drinks.


I'm sure the events team would welcome you're suggestions on how things could be improved for next year, and I'm happy to feed back to them any ideas you may have if you want to have a chat on Sunday :)

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As for the show....well I found it as disappointing as finding out there is no Father Christmas..no jokes please.I thought the atmosphere was very poor....


 yup, i agree with you on that matey.....


too early for me to write it off atm, so i will giv it another pop next year...


pity couldnt giv u a high five... :laugh:

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I think we should all make a better effort to fill in the car data sheets.  I adapted the format slightly to improve the presentation of the facts.  Saw people looking at it but not turning it over to read page 2 :(  - so lots of things to improve.


Rory's Dad

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Evening guys,glad to see so much reaction to my posting.Sorry I didn`t get to meet you all but guess the BBQ in the evening would have been my best chance.However,with Steph not being out of hospital very long I didn`t think it would be fair to stay away overnight. :down:  :down:  :down: I`ve got some ideas,so will have a chat on Sunday Mark.
:t-up: Don`t worry SlowPoke......you`ll get your high five.Drag yourself down to ESSEX,second Sunday of any month.....do the Burnham Bends then meet the Essex lads at the pub lunchtime. :yes:

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I think we should all make a better effort to fill in the car data sheets. I adapted the format slightly to improve the presentation of the facts. Saw people looking at it but not turning it over to read page 2 :( - so lots of things to improve.

Rory's Dad

I agree, there did seem to be a lot of cars this year not displaying data sheets.

I modified mine slightly too so it could be printed as a single sheet and added a QR Code (for those with smart phones) linking to my build site.


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i will head down to Essex for a blat with you bro....  :)

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I think the organisation was excellent, not perfect but then it never can be, quite impossible, but still top notch.  :t-up: 


Perhaps the challenge is to create ways to get the members to interact once they get there, in the day and before the big BBQ.  I remember a tug of war being organised and publicised a few years ago, but cancelled because not enough members would participate.


I'm sure the organising team would welcome fresh ideas for group activities during the day for next year's show.

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i will head down to Essex for a blat with you bro....  :)

James....open house here. You`re always welcome .

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What about name tags with real name and forum name, so many people "know" boardroom names but not faces or real names.


Just a thought.

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Hi Graham,

Think you have made a pretty good case, but really you should stay over next year, camping was a hoot :d  :d

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What about name tags with real name and forum name, so many people "know" boardroom names but not faces or real names.


Just a thought.

Did suggest this before the show.......but no takers.... :(

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