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Stoneleigh and Father Christmas


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I think attending your local meet regularly will help, those that do that seem to be able to mix easy as they then already know some people. iv'e not long been in the club, and am the shy retiring type :) and I enjoyed every minute, including freezing me veg off in the tent at night. Must buy a sleeping bag with some filling in it. :durr: 

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sorry to hear you were disappointed Graham - and I do remember meeting you :t-up:


I felt fairly similar upon my first visit a handful of years ago - since then I have met members from near and far away and to be honest on Sunday I couldn't go five minutes without seeing an old face (and many new ones that introduced themselves to me) to have a chat with  - I had a very busy day chatting despite not actually helping in any official way  :d:blush:


all I will say is keep getting to local meets and mix in with what is going on and you will slowly find yourself naturally meeting more and more folk - I have not met a single person face to face in the world of westfielding that I have not got on with :t-up:


What can we do better next year...


It would be great if all AO's could attend at least one day and make themselves available purely to be milling around the cars to talk with folk - I guess if we had enough volunteers to do the other bits and pieces we could do that !


Most of the AO's disappeared for a good hour and a half to have a meeting Sunday afternoon (and the AGM plus another AO meeting was on Monday) which would have made us look a little void of helpers for a while which may not have helped (maybe times can be changed next year ??? )


We have no control over the quality of the content of the show stalls but I appreciate you letting us know on your thoughts on the club areas -  I will forward this post to the committee for them to consider

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Well put Cleggy, thanks and much appreciated. :t-up:


We are of course always unhappy to hear about people being disappointed, and we're always looking to see how we can improve next time.  We will all have an analysis on what worked and what we need to do and put in place for 2014 to make it even greater (there's a few areas where I want to improve myself and the membership services aspect at the show).  But I really think the team that pulled all this together have much to be proud of, as do the members on the stands as well.  I do hope those who were disappointed will come back and give us another chance.

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I must admit I didn't spend much time loitering around my car, I wanted to spend some time looking at everyone else's and the show :) That said, whenever I did walk away from the WSCC stand my phone would go nuts and I'd soon find myself back there again.

The best opportunity I had to interact with other members was at the evening BBQ After the days events had quietened down a bit and I wasn't running around so much.

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I think it is important to not lose sight of the fact that club stands are run by volunteers,


The more people that volunteer, the more visibility.

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I had to wear a pink shirt for goodness sake but then maybe that's what scared people away. I though the level of good humorous crack was excellent but then if the OP has some good ideas as how to make it even more enjoyable then please post those ideas. Every time I went back to the tent there were plenty of people in grey, blue and pink around to offer advice and guidance and Scott.


I have to say that when we all trooped up to the AGM we did look a bit like a gay pride march wending through the crowd, been called worse, a lot worse.


Disappointing comment but must be a valid one which we should possibly learn from, maybe we can do better, always next year and I will be there again unless ordered off by the committee.


Does I look bovvered


Bob :d  the shirt won't be pink again Hahahaha

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Bob, let me explain.


Craic is the Irish for a party, drinking time, general merriment.


Crack, on the other hand I'll leave for now as I'm told this is a family site.



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Just looked at marcusb`s photos posted under.PICCIES FROM STONELEIGH.Nice photos...

First photo in colour and black & white.....red Westies on left AND Martyn and wife....with monochrome on right...

Have a good look......does it inspire folk to join the club....Mr and Mrs V look like they`ve arrived on the wrong day and the guy with the hiviz looks like he`s looking for his dog.

This photo sums up the way I felt about the show.


Members please look at this picture and think about next year.My wife has set me a challenge for 2014 show & I`ll rise to it!!!!!!

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Must try harder Craic it is then. On the other hand crack could be fun I guess.


Bob :d

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Interesting thread. I went on the Sunday, a Stoneleigh virgin and, well...... It was OK but not particularly inspiring. Part of the problem is Stoneleigh itself, I.e. the hall layout but it is what it is.

Trade stands I thought were generally pretty poor, how many nuts and bolts do you need I too was looking specifically for wheels and a steering wheel / boss (just round things for me), I expected to be spoilt for choice, I wasn't. Obviously not part of WSCC domain but a point for the show organisers.

I went to the club stand three times, on each occasion there was almost no-one there and those who were ignored everyone, not very welcoming for a newbie.

Perhaps Sunday is the day to go - appreciate the club is run by volunteers but I'd hesitate to offer that as an excuse; you're either good or not, your paid or not status is neither here nor there.

Easy to critique though so some suggestions for our area; car data sheets on the windscreen so you knew what you were looking at; if your car is for sale please put a price; name badges on those who are manning the stand (pink shirts were great), club marque laid out with clear areas, with people manning them, AO's on hand, club exec on hand with name tags! The cars in the tent looked great but frankly, so what? No-one there to explain, no signs, no data sheets.

To be brutally honest, if this was my only experience of the WSCC, it wouldn't have inspired me. Now, I know that it isn't a true reflection of the club but somehow it didn't quite match to the spirit I find on here.

All that said, I'm a newbie, so maybe speaking out of turn, need to be around a while longer I guess.

It hasn't put me off, I don't know anyone - maybe won't after this post either but I'll keep at it, go to my area meet and promise to do something to help next year.

Do we all go to Donnington show?

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Just looked at marcusb`s photos posted under.PICCIES FROM STONELEIGH.Nice photos...

First photo in colour and black & white.....red Westies on left AND Martyn and wife....with monochrome on right...

Have a good look......does it inspire folk to join the club....Mr and Mrs V look like they`ve arrived on the wrong day and the guy with the hiviz looks like he`s looking for his dog.

This photo sums up the way I felt about the show.


Members please look at this picture and think about next year.My wife has set me a challenge for 2014 show & I`ll rise to it!!!!!!



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I can remember first owning a westy about 15 years ago and turning up at curborough not knowing anyone and only staying a short while.

I now realise now that the big shows are perhaps not the best place to get known because everyone else can be absorbed in catching up with others.

I would urge you to get along to your local meet, maybe a speed series event and I am sure you will soon have made friends for life.


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I can remember first owning a westy about 15 years ago and turning up at curborough not knowing anyone and only staying a short while.

I now realise now that the big shows are perhaps not the best place to get known because everyone else can be absorbed in catching up with others.

I would urge you to get along to your local meet, maybe a speed series event and I am sure you will soon have made friends for life.


David ,I go to my local meets and have attended a couple of drive outs.Had memebers at my house and gone to theirs.Couldn`t meet a nicer bunch of guys.........Didn`t make show any better though !

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Bit strange this thread, I too don't always mix very well either, but I don't expect a red carpet from anyone, sometimes you have to make the running.


I visited the tent on several occasions and found that if I asked someone for info I got it and then a following chat.


The stalls weren't particularly a disappointment for me but then again I didn't go looking for anything in particular, and to be honest they were in some respects what I expected, crammed with obscure bits and pieces for people trying to complete kits far less sophisticated than Westfields, i.e. nuts, bolts, fasteners, bits of old exhaust etc, plus other peoples cast offs.


What I came away with was a wealth of ideas for me to try or dismiss whilst trying to develop my own car.


I didn't have any preconceived ideas about what to expect, met 2 lads at Donington Park Services and gate crashed their drive down (only decided to go late Saturday night), which I would like to think I've made 2 new pals on here (IanG1 and Jayjoiner).


I didn't volunteer for anything this year which I know was probably selfish as I wanted to have a good look round. I will be offering to help in future, I enjoyed the day out, the feeling of owning a decent quality kit car (having looked at some of the other makes).


At the end of the day it was a car show like many others I have visited over many years and I have been to far worse, but then again what a boring world it would be if we were all the same!!!!

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Hey Graham,  it was good to meet you on the Sunday mate ( a busy day for me as I has SHMBO and kids with me) AND Toolorders Bruce on the stand and i was doing tea and coffee.


I understand how Stoneleigh could be disappointing.  


I mentioned that I may not make the Somme trip this year owing to the girls show jumping - thats now changed so the blat to the battlefield's os back on with me included.Hope typ 


It was good to meet you and put a name to a face, and it was great that you made the trip for Stoneleigh. 


Hope to see you soon mate



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