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Stoneleigh and Father Christmas


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Firstly a big thanks for SootySport for a great route upto the show.....a really great drive. :)  

Thanks also to Martyn for the use of his allen keys for my loose waterpump bolt. :)


As for the show....well I found it as disappointing as finding out there is no Father Christmas..no jokes please.I thought the atmosphere was very poor on club stands and on our club stand found more non members to talk to than members.If I was joining a club I think the only one that seemed half welcoming was the Cobra club.

I took plenty of money to spend ,but couldn`t find anything I was looking for...think I`ll stick to Ebay !!

Could I find a carbon diffuser or carbon cycle wings ????NO. :no:

The `carbon` wings on the Westfield stand turned out to be printed plastic ! :(

I know a lot of memebers made a big effort & some may have found it a good day (Sunday) but I`m afraid I`ll never go again. Maybe bike shows and the comradery of bikers has spoiled me,but they`ve always left me not wanting to go home......Sunday left me feeling I wish I`d stayed at home.

I hope those who stayed the night and did all the organising had a great time...well done lads.

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There was someone selling carbon cycle wings in the 'barn' but a bit hidden I grant you.

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I think your just disappointed that George sent an underling to pick up his boot box. Maybe next time. Sorry you feel like that Graham, everyone else really seemed to have enjoyed it.

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i enjoyed it !

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I think your just disappointed that George sent an underling to pick up his boot box. Maybe next time. Sorry you feel like that Graham, everyone else really seemed to have enjoyed it.

Hello mate.....Steph was more upset she didn`t get a signed photo..... :cry:

Great to talk to you........but do think I should have stayed home and watched MOTOGP.


PINK really suits you though. :d

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If it wasn't for the fact that I'd seen you there Graham then i'd think reading that you'd gone to a different show to me :oops:

personally 2 days wasn't enough time for me to get round all the displays and still have time to talk to all the other owners. On every occasion I returned to the WSCC stand I found myself being there for over an hour talking and kicking tyres both with existing members but also potential new owners, maybe it was the blue shirt that helped people to spot who I was and then introduce themselves.

Biggest regret for me was not having enough time to get around any of the other club stands to see how they matched up to our own.

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The WSCC, is probably one of if not the largest clubs at the show. Large, can sometimes be a victim of it's own success . Having attended the agm this afternoon, I feel confident , that moves are about to be put in place to try and bring members closer together.

I hope so anyway.

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On the Cobra ,MK ,and Ultima stands.....small as they were,members stood by,fiddled with and polished their cars.They were happy to really display their pride and joy and encouraged visitors to be part of the show.Our club stand,maybe because it was so big ,seemed like a Tesco car park full of 7 type cars.

Anyway enough negatives......the weather was kind and I went for an amazing blat this morning......think I`ve found a new favourite road. :d

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I find this post strange but if thats is what you felt then so be it. The club stand is huge and yes there can be the feeling "where do I look" but there was always people on the stand with shirts to id them as helpers. I spoke with anyone that was there.

I would say don't be put off and give it another go.

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Graham, I made a specific effort to try and find you to say hello but couldn't quite remember what your car looked like other than being blue! I looked at the data sheets of all the cars there but didn't see one identified as yours?

Anyways, do come along next year. Maybe camp over and share a few sherries ;)

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I tend to agree with Graham. I went yesterday and found it all a bit disappointing.


Some of my disappointment was self inflicted as I don't actually know anybody in the club, but looking round for people to have a bit of a chat with and there were very few indeed. Maybe you were all busy nursing your hangovers from the night before. Also, I'm not a very outgoing sort of a guy so that probably doesn't help me.


I went with the intention of looking for a steering wheel and quick release hub and expected to be overrun with choice. Rally Design had a few and were quite helpful. Europa had a few but didn't want to show me what they had or even talk about them and that was about it.


I hadn't been for 15 years since I first finished my Westy. It seemed much bigger then. It'll probably be a while before I go again.

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Monday was not nearly as well attended as Sunday, which is ironic because Monday's weather was glorious.  The stand on Sunday was rammed full of cars, couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a member.  You can look at it two ways - go on Sunday and meet everyone and their brothers; or go Monday and not have to deal with the huge scrums out buying bits and fight trying to get food and drink.


Sorry if anyone attending either day was disappointed - we'll all try harder next year, as we do each and every year. :)

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<p>Sincerest apologies to anyone that was disappointed this year; can I make a deal with you though?</p>

<p> </p>

<p>give us another go next year, BUT, come and put a brightly coloured t-shirt on for an hour (or longer!), and help out, give us the benefit of your negative experience. We want  to know where we can improve! (Because there's always room to).</p>

<p> </p>

<p>it is a little harder on the Monday, it's true. Still busy, but certainly quieter than the Sunday, traditionally the busier day for as long as I've been going.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>You would also find that it was quieter around mid day as it was the clubs AGM, held down in the conference rooms near Hall 1, so lots of us were down there. (Again, all were more than welcome to come along).</p>

<p> </p>

<p>It's a very spread out show though, so can take some hunting to find all the stalls etc.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>if you're shy, or less forthright at coming forward, come and help out at set up, or as I say on the stand, it's a great way of getting to know a smaller group of fellow members first, that will in turn see other members approach you! </p>

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