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Cleggy the Spyder Man

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I know mate

The way my strides were slipping yesterday i agree with you  :d

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Better to be a pasty muncher than a masty puncher HB :laugh:



I was my breakfast really

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Great pictures, it was good to meet and chat as well :t-up:

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Thats my rear end, the wife allways said I had an attractive rear end :laugh: 



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I was impressed by the number of newly built cars (12 plate and 13 plate) there on the Sunday.  Most sporting the FW body too.

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Wish could have gone, looked good

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I had a great time on the Sunday and whilst walking around a few thoughts came to me. The first was the standard of cars now a days, there are many excellant cars which are a credit to whoever owns them. Regardless that some are as ugly as they come the standard of finish is very high now.

Of course there are still the horrors, there was one car there that had a supercharged V8 on a chassis that looked awful clad in alloy. god knows if it went through SVA but it went like a mad thing when leaving, balls the size of an elephant to ride in that one.

The replicas, how on earth DNA get away with thier Ferrari copies is beyond me, the latest 458 copy was impressive and only a true Tifosi would see the differance, even the engine sounds on low revs authentic why they allow it I do wonder as in Italy replicas are crushed.

The Westfield stand and the Wscc stand were always busy, but some of the others demonstrating their wares looked so unapproachable which may be why they were devoid of punters which is sad as the cars were good, probably why the succesful ones have a balance between engineers and sales men.

But the biggest thought was this, we are lucky we can still do what we do in these days of regulation, where we can build a car with little knowledge to start and still drive it legally. We must protect this so where we see other clubs with cars that are little better than box section with alloy riveted on, we should celebrate them and try to work together to ensure or hobby sport thrives and along with it jobs and prosperity.

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But the biggest thought was this, we are lucky we can still do what we do in these days of regulation, where we can build a car with little knowledge to start and still drive it legally. We must protect this


It's a good point.  Personally I do wonder how long our UK IVA exemption will continue. 


I noticed that the 'ferarris' had the labels and shields covered.


It dos make me wonder who would buy them though.  You don't have to spend a huge amount more to get the real thing and it will hold the value better.  I didn't see parrallel designs with their lambo replica there ths year.  Also that hideous bentley continental replica seemed to be missing.

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I might be inconsistent but I do think there's a difference between the likes of cobra's, GT40's, Stratos's etc + very rare classics, and putting a bodykit of a modern car onto a  peugot.


At least with the former it's next to impossible to buy the original, and there's probably more rep's than originals nowadays.


I would love to build the former, but have absolutely no interest in the latter.


Very good point about us being lucky to be able to build our own cars. It seems very un-Europe like and I'd worry about the future.

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You have to be kidding jeff about those DNA cars ... The signs were everywhere when you started looking how about the fake brake discs and brake covers or the engine that was made of plastic?

The regs are only going to get stricter.

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You have to be kidding jeff about those DNA cars ... The signs were everywhere when you started looking how about the fake brake discs and brake covers or the engine that was made of plastic?

The regs are only going to get stricter which is sad

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Thanks for the pictures Cleggy :t-up:. I've been leading in a beaver camp Saturday and Sunday and had to work all day today, so its great to see you all had a good time. The photos really show off the cars and looking at the other threads people had a great time. I'm not jealous no no  :angry: (sigh, maybe next year)


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Nice pics bud and phew I see you managed not to get me :)

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Nice pics bud and phew I see you managed not to get me :)

Ahh... but you may not have escaped the lens totally...

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