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Fingerman gives finger to team and team-mate

Captain Colonial

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Reading rumours about Kimi taking Marrrrrrks place for next year, would love the iceman to sort him out.

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So no Team Orders then,  now called Vettel Orders I guess,  he's worse than the other German, Schuey.


Not quite in the same league yet , another 7 years or so then maybe :t-up:

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Reading rumours about Kimi taking Marrrrrrks place for next year, would love the iceman to sort him out.


The Iceman would drive rings around him :d :D :d

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I havnt watched the Grand Pit since Mansell left and Senna past! Have occasionally flicked it on but after a few laps of what looks like a disney parade turn it over.


Vettel is a plonker and like pistonbroke has said give him a few more years and im sure he will be as annoying as the other muppet from his neck of the woods! Wonder if snapping his f**king fnger off it would affect his driving?? :laugh:  Accident in the Redbull kitchen perhaps


Slightly off topic but why do they have what can only be described as a NOS button? Have things gone silly in that sport what happened to good old fashioned racing! Think ill stick to two wheeled action! Elbow rubbing gladiators!!

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Personally I think Vettel is the best there is out there! Red Bull will do nothing as they know he is the best. He would trounce Kimi IMO.


I also really like him as a person. He is ultra competative and that is what makes champions - it's just not 'very British'..............but that's why we are generally crap!


I have it on good authority that as soon as they were away from the cameras Mark Webber punched him in the mouth!

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Personally I think Vettel is the best there is out there! Red Bull will do nothing as they know he is the best. He would trounce Kimi IMO.


I also really like him as a person. He is ultra competative and that is what makes champions - it's just not 'very British'..............but that's why we are generally crap!


I have it on good authority that as soon as they were away from the cameras Mark Webber punched him in the mouth!

have you been on the vino again wuv ,he's a dangler

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Personally I think Vettel is the best there is out there! Red Bull will do nothing as they know he is the best. He would trounce Kimi IMO.


I also really like him as a person. He is ultra competative and that is what makes champions - it's just not 'very British'..............but that's why we are generally crap!


I have it on good authority that as soon as they were away from the cameras Mark Webber punched him in the mouth!

Agree with this, you dont win 3 world championships by being Mr Nice Guy.


As another ruthless multi world champion once said: "I am not designed to come second or third. I am designed to win."

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Hope we dont have such a problem with Team Orders in the Speed Series this year....  I will do as I am told at all times by my Team Captain, unlike finger man :-) 

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I have it on good authority that as soon as they were away from the cameras Mark Webber punched him in the mouth!


Now that I would love to have seen :d

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Vettle is teflon in that team, if you saw this morning Webber was one side of the Berlin wall in the pits with the team owner laughing and joking and Mark was next door with a YTS.

It is the same with Horner, dance to the tune of the owner or oblivion. I wish we had a winners attitude in this country instead of being the plucky loser.

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ok so don't misunderstand me here, but the whole thing still makes my blood boil...

I cant stand vettel, he's only out for himself, and is an arrogant jumped up little S***. The car doesn't belong to him, its property of the company, and if his orders were to leave webber alone, he should have done so...... BUT----------

what the devil sort of order is that- He is after all there to win races. As is the company.... I hate this bulls***, that determines who wins races- surely the fastest car on the day should win...

I understand they don't want vettel to try and pass webber and risk taking eachother out-but hows about "vettel drive with caution, if the opportunity arises, then pass"-sort of attitude, after all it lends itself to fair play does it not?

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Hope we dont have such a problem with Team Orders in the Speed Series this year....  I will do as I am told at all times by my Team Captain, unlike finger man :-) 


And your team orders, James, are to beat your "captain" and all the other members of your team by as much as possible, and as frequently as possible  :)

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And your team orders, James, are to beat your "captain" and all the other members of your team by as much as possible, and as frequently as possible  :)


And then come and brag about it on the boardroom. :d

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And your team orders, James, are to beat your "captain" and all the other members of your team by as much as possible, and as frequently as possible  :)


That's the really god thing about sprinting, You are not on track at the same time, so can't get in someone's way. It's up to each competitor to do as well as they possibly can.

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Personally I think Vettel is the best there is out there! Red Bull will do nothing as they know he is the best. He would trounce Kimi IMO.


I also really like him as a person. He is ultra competative and that is what makes champions - it's just not 'very British'..............but that's why we are generally crap!


I have it on good authority that as soon as they were away from the cameras Mark Webber punched him in the mouth!


Wish I didn`t have to post this as I know I`ll get shot down in flames....but I have to agree...see this in motorsport all the time....who liked.... Schuey,multi world champ,Lorenzo,multi world champ......the best are the best.All world champions are single minded...win,win,win ....s@d eveyone else.

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