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Norman Verona

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Excellent, another debate which is nothing to do with cars!


Just what a car forum web-site is all about.

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That would work. Never knew there was a shortage of Morphine.


TV News said they are rationing baby milk as it's being bought up and sent to China.

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Tolf, sorry but this is called "stuff & Nonsense". I look at it like chatting to mates in the pub.

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If it brings it back on topic, I drove my Westfield this afternoon for the first time since last year! :p

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Driven mine loads of times since Christmas, so there!

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Too much crap on this forum at times - supposed to be a place to talk car stuff.


Rant over.,

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As Norm said, this is the 'any other business' section. Reading it is purely voluntary.  :devil:

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I think the morphine thing doesn't happen because of the power of the frolics companies who can make a better profit producing it artificially. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong there.

But the key thing with Afghan is that seems forgotten is that we went in in response to 11 September 2001. The original mission was to prevent the Taliban having a very large training ground and to find those responsible. That mission has suffered from mission creep (like a lot of other missions) in order to deny them this long term.

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People who do know what this means, let people now who ask.

Back to my sun bed.

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Yes, just get back to that sun bed, or Mayan temple, or white triangles.

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Tolf, sorry but this is called "stuff & Nonsense". I look at it like chatting to mates in the pub.

I second this.

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Indeed, stuff and Nonsense certainly doesn't have to be car related, and we can thread drift to our hearts content!


Tech Talk and Newbies is your place for directly car related questions, and yes "we" with moderators hats on do keep an eye on things and do prune and split threads to keep them on topic etc.


But in the end, we need somewhere to just hang out, make bad jokes, chat and occasionally blow off steam. Stuff and Nonsense is the place. The freedom we enjoy there, is the trade off for keeping the technical areas on track and on topic.

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Yes, just get back to that sun bed, or Mayan temple, or white triangles.

She over did sun bed... Cloudy, breeze, 6hours and now white triangles surrounded by lava!!!

Myan temples were fun and this month they are stopping people climbing them! Up took 15 mins, down nearly an hour!

Mrs not like heights!

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Sorry, but I believe that the world's 'good guys' have to police the bad...


I'm proud of our boys and girls carrying out their jobs and Im particually proud to be apart of a country who takes this kind of stand. yes, its sad when people are killed, but thats why its called a war. I've lost friends and know people who have been injured in these conflicts, but I believe the cause was, and is, just.


I believe that whatever reasons were'nt chosen to fight in these countries, the actions were correct.

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