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French menu's

Norman Verona

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Yes, I encountered Mett (also at a business lunch) whilst I  lived in Germany years ago. I'm not a big meat eater anyway, so I can't say  early liked it, but it wasn't as bad as I expected and certainly better than the sort of steak Tartare like filling in some of the other sandwiches.


On the other hand, in a business trip to Delhi years ago, our local contact, after a day of steering us clear of "local dishes", took us on a guided tour of the hotel menu one night. Still have no idea what we ate, but it was the most amazing selection of proper Indian cuisine.

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We were on holiday in Sweden. Went into the local restaurant. The girl spoke English (everyone did) and when I selected "3 types of raw fish" she tried to talk me out of it because "The English do not like this".


It was salted herring, a herring in oil which is widely eaten in the Jewish community and called Shmultz Herring and, I think some salmon. It was delicious.


Sequel was that beer and spirits are taxed to the hilt in Sweden to curb excess drinking. When a pint was £1 in the UK, in Sweden a small beer was £5. You could only buy spirits from the state run off licences and a bottle of Whiskey was £50. The shops were open for 1 hour a day.


We came out of the restaurant to find the street littered in bodies. I went back in and asked the girl what was happening. 


She explained that people clubbed together to brew their own rot-gut. Then on Saturday nights they would bring lemonade bottles of it into town and drink themselves unconscious. Great example of a law having exactly the opposite effect to that intended.

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Norman, do they serve extra unnecessary apostrophes in French restaurants for free or do you have to pay extra for them? ;)

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N'o ide'a what' you mea'n

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Don't worry Scott, he's just nicked them off Steve!

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:laugh:  You're on form today, Dave! :t-up:

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sure' i's, I wonde'r how long' I can kee'p thi's up.


Anyway, Ill pack them up in a bag and send them back to him, isnt it.

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sure' i's, I wonde'r how long' I can kee'p thi's up.


Anyway, Ill pack them up in a bag and send them back to him, isnt it.


Funny, at first glance, it looks like Norm's speakin' "Yorkshire"

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I'm a rite doo-da don't you know.  :)

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