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Thatcher dead

Norman Verona

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I'm afraid I disliked her and her politics intensely.


W.R.T "celebrating" her death, I'd rather we didn't spend a whole bunch of money on the lavish funeral being planned to "celebrate" her life either.


No matter how you viewed her or her politics.....do you not think, that as a nation, we owe this celebration to a woman who brought this country back from the `brink`.

The relatively small amonut of `money` this will cost,is,surely a drop in the ocean compared to the vast sums of money wasted on scroungers and so on ??

What type of funeral would you see fitting ??

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To be fair to her she (apparently) requested not to have a state funeral. Bit cheeky that as the last state funeral of a commoner was Churchill. Others include Nelson. 


In the scheme of things she's not entitled to a state funeral so why ask not have one.


Anyway, it may not be called a state funeral but it's turning into one.


I don't have a view either way. Let her rest in peace which is more than can be said about the miners and factory workers she threw on the scrap heap or the young men killed and maimed in an unnecessary war. 

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Ken Loach has said that we should put her funeral out to competitive tender and pick the lowest price offer - it's what she would have wanted........


Other than that, as a Yorkshire miner's son and ex-Sheffield steelworker who rated Thatcher (as a leader rather than a typical populist politician) I'm keeping out of all this.   But even my Dad, as a lifelong labour voter,  voted Tory before he died (in 1986) because he was so sick of the union's destructive power.   

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 What type of funeral would you see fitting ??

A private one for family and close friends.

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To be fair to her she (apparently) requested not to have a state funeral. Bit cheeky that as the last state funeral of a commoner was Churchill. Others include Nelson. 


In the scheme of things she's not entitled to a state funeral so why ask not have one.


Anyway, it may not be called a state funeral but it's turning into one.


I don't have a view either way. Let her rest in peace which is more than can be said about the miners and factory workers she threw on the scrap heap or the young men killed and maimed in an unnecessary war. 

Norman......she`s not entitled to a state funeral,she didn`t ask for one and not getting one.You`re sounding like a politician......................twisting the words.

Unnecessary war ??????would you have left all OUR Islanders to the mercy of the Argie`s .My cousin was out there and so was a mate....they didn`t think it was unnecessary why do you ?

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I'm not sure that a state funeral (in all but name) is appropriate.


But I do know that independent of the different views on her policies she served this country as PM for 11 years. She gave 11 years of her life to trying to make the country a better place. And it was not an easy 11 years. Not least the IRA trying to assinate her. She also seemed to avoid much of the gravy train that others such as Blair have profitted from after office.


So I don't think it is asking too much to in return honour her with some respect and dignity as she is laid to rest.

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Ken Loach has said that we should put her funeral out to competitive tender and pick the lowest price offer - it's what she would have wanted........


Other than that, as a Yorkshire miner's son and ex-Sheffield steelworker who rated Thatcher (as a leader rather than a typical populist politician) I'm keeping out of all this.   But even my Dad, as a lifelong labour voter,  voted Tory before he died (in 1986) because he was so sick of the union's destructive power.   


My grandfather was a miner and went the same route as your father.....real men .

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Graham, I said:


Anyway, it may not be called a state funeral but it's turning into one.



The BBC have reported that she requested not to have a state funeral. I'm just going on what I've heard on the news.

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Graham, I said:




The BBC have reported that she requested not to have a state funeral. I'm just going on what I've heard on the news.

I read that Norm.......blimey you`re easier to stoke than my log burner.

Only picking on you because Crashioli is in Mexico . :p  :p

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Leave my friend alone, if you don't mind. He may be a bit of a crash, but we all love him. Well almost all.   :)

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Leave my friend alone, if you don't mind. He may be a bit of a crash, but we all love him. Well almost all.   :)

Well at least two of us do!

He`s coming here for a weekend.....whether I`ll stll love him when he leaves ??????:

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I heard Thatchers dying wish was to be cremated! unfortunately there is no coal left!


Maybe the reason there is so many people celebrating her death is because she upset more than she made happy?? Fair enough there are alot who are too young and yes general scallys also, but none the less the reason we pay over the odds now for everything is because of her no matter how you look at it!


She privatised things and now we are paying for it STILL years on!


If you ask me they are making a MARTER out of her now! Sure my new friend deanoecosse will agree :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Jesus Christ there's some **** on this thread.  Can't we just remember and accept that she was the last actual LEADER this country had from when we used to have politicians that acted like statesmen rather that twitter nunneys.


May she deserves a big funeral just because she was a she PM ?  First and last maybe ?



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who gives a chuff ,she died ,people die every day

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I loved her and am very sad she's gone.  She was the last politician we'd had who had a spine or any concept of the role of a PM.


I can't be bothered listing all the good things she did . . . all you need to is compare her to the idiot Gordon Brown, the liar and murdering Bliar or the baboon we have now to see where she stood.

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