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Thatcher dead

Norman Verona

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I've no interest in getting into a debate about her really.

It's a fair point, this is after all a Sports Car Club, not the local Con Club or debating society.

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Andy, don't you think Stuff & Nonsense would become boring with nothing but 7 related stuff?


As said above, she affected all of us so why not debate about her life.

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Norm,I don't think I did, she just wasn't one for messing around when lives were at stake, or allowing anyone to have more power than the government. whether that is right or wrong is not something I shall judge here.

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It's a fair point, this is after all a Sports Car Club, not the local Con Club or debating society.

It's not that. It's more the inevitable post that sets of a chain where we all fall out. This forum is better than many but it just isn't worth it and nobody is going to change anyone's mind about someone that hast been in power for 20 years.

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I reckon she wouldn't even let her cabinet have a point of view. That's why 2 resigned (3 if you count Carrington) and eventually brought her down.


Maybe the mining industry needed shutting down. Maybe our manufacturing base needed closing down. But she wouldn't listen as she had decided this was the way to go.


I may be wrong in my assessment but it looked to me like she thought her opinions were more important than people's lives. 

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I reckon she wouldn't even let her cabinet have a point of view. That's why 2 resigned (3 if you count Carrington) and eventually brought her down.

Maybe the mining industry needed shutting down. Maybe our manufacturing base needed closing down. But she wouldn't listen as she had decided this was the way to go.

I may be wrong in my assessment but it looked to me like she thought her opinions were more important than people's lives.

Hard not to agree with that. Have us a great sketch on Spitting Image (which was on way past my bed time!).

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Matt, I hear what you're saying. However, as said above, she was the most controversial PM this century. We've all been affected by her policies whether we were there at the time  or were born later.


Anyway, I like a good debate.


Be assured if it gets out of hand I will close this thread if Scott doesn't get there before me. We're onto page 4 and it's OK so far.

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Thatchers dead??? There goes the only person who f****d more miners than jimmy saville

































I'll get my coat.......

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Thatchers dead??? There goes the only person who f****d more miners than jimmy saville

































I'll get my coat.......


I wanted to but thought better of it lol :laugh: :laugh:

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Matt, the BBC political correspondent mentioned it this afternoon.


I recall it was:


The waiter at the restaurant was taking her order when she took the cabinet out fr a meal.


She ordered a steak and the waiter asked "what about the vegetables "  "Oh, they'll have the same"

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Nice one Kirky.

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Being from a mining family, where I lost my job due to the two strikes and the subsequent fall out. Yes she was not perfect but she was just what was needed at the time. So surprisingly for my family I supported her actions. My Father in law hated her with a passion but was one of the first to buy his coucil house for £2000 which was discounted down to the max. He was also one of the first to moan how there were no council houses for his grandkid. And there is the problem, many benefited from her leadership, thousands of low paid workers got on the property ladder, but there always has to be a bogey man, or woman and she fitted the bill.

Love or hate her, no one could have not been moved when after the IRA blew up the hotel in Brighton killing some and maiming many, she started the conferance at the appointed time to defy the terrorists, that took guts.

The poll tax, was fair, but what was wrong was depending upon which area you lived in the cost was differant. If that had been a fixed price for everyone the backlash would have been less and would have worked.

Her integrity was beyond doubt, when her feckless son got lost she footed the bill, not one penny cost did we get charged.

The saddest thing for me is this, if we are told the truth her family did not visit often for years, no mother deserves this treatment.

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