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Thatcher dead

Norman Verona

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Unfortunately i have no respect for any member of government which can cause the working man/woman to struggle! She made the rich richer and the poor poorer!

Unfortunately that is not true,  until very recently, under any UK government.


Of course you will find exceptions but everyone has got richer.


However what is true, again under all parties, is that the rich (defined as the top 1%) have grown more rich compared to the 'poor' so relatively the poor have got poorer but that is for other reasons and a bit meaningless to your argument unless you would rather everyone was poorer and a socialist ideal.

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Bob, but it was Thatcher that deregulated the city that led directly to the banks getting out of control.


As for the "complete ruthlessness not a namby pamby way." isn't that the job of dictators. In a democracy you should be looking after the population at large.


At least I'm not alone, pity Wingnut had to experience it in such a brutal way.

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There will be no tears shed for that woman in Scotland. Infact I am drinking a fine single malt at this very moment in celebration of her demise. Like most Scots, I will never forgive her trialling the hated poll tax on my country before introducing it to her beloved Englandshire.

She's only been in hell a few hours and already she's shutdown 3 furnaces!

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I've seen bits and pieces on the TV news during the day and notwithstanding her politics, doesn't her voice sound so pretentious now.  It would be hard for me to take her seriously these days...


Rory's Dad

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Unfortunately that is not true,  until very recently, under any UK government.


However what is true, again under all parties, is that the rich (defined as the top %) have grown more rich compared to the 'poor' so relatively the poor have got poorer but that is for other reasons and a bit meaningless to your argument unless you would rather everyone was poorer and a socialist ideal.


I wouldnt wish anyone poor by any means, but all politicians seem to affect the lower end of the scale! And i mean working class we are left to struggle and help the economy whilst scum lies in bed till dinne,r then goes to the pub till god knows what time before of course ending up in betfred and finally collecting there allowances which we give them for them to do it all again!


Anyway dont want to deviate from the point of initial post, dont want to upset norman as it was his initial post! Dont want to turn anything into a political debate because the problem with those is:-   Everyone is right in there own view!


Now im sure everyone agrees on the last line! :d

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Bob, but it was Thatcher that deregulated the city that led directly to the banks getting out of control.


That is extrapolating a bit far.  The main change was removal of exchange controls which allowed foreign ownership.


The City would never have been the global financial centre it is without this.  Let's not forget that for most of the 90's 25% of all UK income tax and 12.1% of total tax take came from within the City !!


Subsequently the relaxing of rules allowing who could be a bank had different effects that you could argue impacted borrowing.


The politicians (of all parties and in most countries)  wanted easy loans and money suppply to fuel artificial sense of growth and prosperity. And the punters mopped it up.  Let's not make out the banks forced it on us kicking and screaming and there has been plenty of time since 1979 to tighten the rules on borrowing AND lending

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There will be no tears shed for that woman in Scotland. Infact I am drinking a fine single malt at this very moment in celebration of her demise. Like most Scots, I will never forgive her trialling the hated poll tax on my country before introducing it to her beloved Englandshire.

She's only been in hell a few hours and already she's shutdown 3 furnaces


Think i might move to scotland! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Wingnut, I respect everyone's point of view.


I have no problem with the rich getting richer. As long as they don't tread all over the rest of us in their fight to climb up the tree.


If I may drift slightly, I was having dinner with a wealthy person. At the time Geldof was pleading for starving people in Africa. My friend said "Let them all die, leaves more for the rest of us". Being me I couldn't let this go. I responded with "But Richard, if we help them prosper it will be more people to sell your computers to". Didn't go down well.


I suppose she did have the right idea when she came to power. The unions were ruining the country. However, she didn't know when to stop and had such belief in herself and her policies she couldn't see any other point of view. And that included her ministers in cabinet. 


But wasn't the job of controlling the unions the employers? The job of government is to create the environment for others to run the business, schools, health services etc. 

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XTR2, I blame the politicians for what happened. I like to say it was like leaving a plate of sweets in a rooms with 5 year olds and telling them they can't eat the sweets.

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Wingnut, I respect everyone's point of view.


I have no problem with the rich getting richer. As long as they don't tread all over the rest of us in their fight to climb up the tree.


Glad im not in trouble :d :d :d


still new trying to make good friends not enemies

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I'm echoing previous comments, she had a strength of character that commands respect whatever your political views.

I very much doubt Abu Hamza would still be in this country alive if she was in power. She would have had him stuck on a Hercules en route to somewhere far away or she would have had "her boys" take care of him, and taken any consequences on the chin.

The fire service would have had the choice of returning to work or being fired, and the keys for their engines would have been taken from them by force.

Politicians will always be divisive in their own country, but it is how they are remembered internationally that is their true mark. And other than by those pesky Argies, she is being remembered with great respect.

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[Engage humor mode]


In the style of Monty Python...


"Right stop that! And now for something completely different..."


The Iron Lady has died, may she rust in peace.

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love her or hate her would we have the same discussion about any other modern day prime minister ??

i doubt it.

i was born in 1970 so started full time work in 1986 difficult to comment but i admire anybody who stands up to the bully boys 

of the trade unions.

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Moff, I think you may have just described a dictator.


However do agree she would not have allowed Abu Hamza to stay.


Andy,  :) 

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I feared for the Internet when I heard the news. While I'm a bit on the young side to have a meaningful opinion based on being there I do admire her personal strength. I've no interest in getting into a debate about her really.

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