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Thatcher dead

Norman Verona

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You either loved her or loathed but she changed Britain.


Whether it was for good or bad we will now be able to decide as the biographies are published.


As you know, I'm not an admirer but say RIP Maggie.

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Better for her, I suspect. She was a shadow of her former self I gather. 

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Last time she was on TV was leaving a private clinic. She could hardly walk and fumbled for the railing to hold on.


She had a stroke this morning and died shortly after.

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Love or loathe her but she had bigger balls than any PM since and many before her!


If Tony Bliar or Gordon the moron had been in power at the time we would never have retained the Falkland Islands...

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Back together with Dennis ????? I`d like to think so. IMHO best PM of this country in my lifetime. May she rest in peace & please let the press leave her alone. :(

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"I am not a consensus politician. I'm a conviction politician." 1979


A bit young to remember too much about her directly but I think this quote in her own words sums her up.

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Great PM, who knew what she wanted to do and went and did it. Best peace time PM we have had IMHO.

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This thread has the potential for divisions, methinks...  ???

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This thread has the potential for divisions, methinks...  ???


Yes, that worried me too.


You can always suggest that we have a rule "no political views on here " other clubs do have this.

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My view is she did a good job in taming the unions. They needed bringing under control and the Labour party couldn't do this.


However, the UN could have sorted out Argentina without all that loss of life, on both sides.


She has set the anti-EU culture. I would have got stuck in and changed it from within instead of standing on the outside complaining.


But, did she really need to decimate our mining industry. All those men put out of work and whole communities devastated. She was right to stand up to Scargill but not to take revenge on the miners. We now buy cheaper coal from places like Poland. But if you add the cost of putting a whole industry out of work, just the financial cost, not the human one, it may well have cost more over the long term.


On first thoughts the community charge (poll tax) seemed sensible. Until you realise the a house with an elderly widow would pay the same as the same house with mum, dad and 4 kids working and earning.


The serious biographies will be published over the next few months and I will buy one and see what their conclusion is.

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Last two posts were posted while I was typing.


We can disagree without getting personal and rude to each other. Politics affect all of us and we should all have views.


The main attraction about this club is just that. We can disagree and remain friends.

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I think you can reflect on Thatcher as a leader, driver of change and a politician without having to agree or disagree with her policies.


I think the fact that she divides opinion so much is a compliment.


Most of the parties since have been too worried about pleasing all, pleasing the media and consensus and achieving very little as a result.


That's why the interest in politics has declined and the parties are all different shades of largely the same thing.

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i saw that on the beeb site. from all accounts she was a formidable woman who stood by her morals and what she thought was right for our country.


lets not have a no politics rule and while we are at it threats of thread locking. we are all adults and capable of having a rational discussion.

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Agree with that XTR2

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Dom, as long as it stays a rational discussion and doesn't degenerate into name calling and rudeness to each other.

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