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Heated Gloves

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Just been doing a bit of googling on heated gloves


any of you guys use them?


It is really the only part of my body (apart from the neck which I use a neck tube for) that really feels the cold on winter blats/track days





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I was just looking at the maplins one too.  fingers and toes tend to suffer a little.


The gloves are a bit bulky though, some lighter weight efforts would be great.

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Wondered if the battery drain is a worry ? most wessers spend so much on shiny stuff it seems they cant afford a decent sized battery ;)

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A pair of latex or nitrite gloves under your normal ones seems to help a fair bit, especially in the wet :)

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Latex eh hmmmmm. My hands tends to sweat a bit with latex on, :p  :p  bit like a gimp mask but thats another story. :angry:  All the guys at work tend to wear them under their usual main leather gloves and they survive ok. Maybe its just me.Try it and see if it works for you. My mate gave me one of those snood things for the neck and as Cleggy says they are fine but me ickle pinkies have been a bit frozen this year maybe a sign of old age or just bl**dy cold. Are we going soft, I do have to say that my electric seats in my tin top are the best car extra I have ever paid for, great for the old back in a mornings commute.


May look into the electric gloves as I tend to spend hours encouraging the kids when they play hockey on the sideline, gets very cold. Look like a good idea but 3xAA each glove, I guess rechargeables would do the business. Almost converted.


Bob :d  :d

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I use seal skinz...


Not slightest bit bulky, tons of grip, used in Falklands by me, hand submerged in water, -16 air temperature, hands not at all wet or cold.mbefore that I had them for use in Germany, real winters there too and I'm on about fourth pair now (since 2002), they keep getting nicked! Used them all the time when driving from Devon-Birmingham, Birmingham-Aldershot, Birmingham-Newcastle... In the Westfield, often in rain, usually no roof on long motorway stretches and without them my hands would freeze!

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Hmmm good shout, lecky ones are cheaper though by a couple of quid. Soon be summer. :bangshead:


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Just been doing a bit of googling on heated gloves


any of you guys use them?


It is really the only part of my body (apart from the neck which I use a neck tube for) that really feels the cold on winter blats/track days



I will bring you a car blanket on sunday mate if it will help  :laugh:

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That's exactly why they work Bob, your own little mini hand wetsuits :d I admit it feels strange but at Blyton in the snow the other week they meant I was able to keep driving.

The Seal Skinz stuff is decent too, got some of their socks and providing you don't get water in through the 'top' (obvious but I've seen bad reviews of the product for this reason!) you do stay dry.

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SS stuff is great. I also have a pair of their socks, which while my boots were full of water my feet were totally dry. A most odd sensation that!

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I wish this thread was a few weeks ago after my near frostbite taking the car from Swindon to Northampton in the snow last weekend. Going to buy some Seal Skins thanks for the recommendation :-)

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Never knew stoats could suffer from cold paws. Learn something every day.   :)

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I have some sealskinz and they are reasonably good, also water an windproof, but my fingers still get cold after a while.

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