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Abu Qatada

jeff oakley

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Been to your army careers office recently?


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I dont give a flying f*ck whether he will be put on trial using evidence obtained by torture :angry:

Why the f*ck are we not torturing the :arse: hole?

I just want him and his extended family out of my country :angry:

I wouldn't bother putting him on a plane and doing a quick drop in Amman, I'd just chuck the :arse: hole out when we got to a reasonable altitude :angry:

As you can see I'm very angry about this issue, and I dont give a f*ck what the pc brigade think :angry:

Please dont post and try and reason with me, I'm not interested :angry:

i cant believe any decent human would think that way ,why would you want to throw another human out of a plane





















































when you could just chop the f****r up into little pieces with chain saw

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Quite simple really, although radical;

Shoot the b******d

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Been to your army careers office recently?


Nah too old now, and anyway I've done my time, got the medal/war wound/pension to prove it :p

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Nah too old now, and anyway I've done my time, got the medal/war wound/pension to prove it :p


Well go there, get on a soap box and play the national anthem drumming up business!


See I'm wit SD, spent enough money on them, however I feel his type owe a debt to the UK taxpayer, I'm sure there's enough to handcuff together and send out in extended line as mine clearance, as In Apocalypto, make it to the other side and you're free.

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I dont give a flying f*ck whether he will be put on trial using evidence obtained by torture :angry:

Why the f*ck are we not torturing the :arse: hole?

I just want him and his extended family out of my country :angry:

I wouldn't bother putting him on a plane and doing a quick drop in Amman, I'd just chuck the :arse: hole out when we got to a reasonable altitude :angry:

As you can see I'm very angry about this issue, and I dont give a f*ck what the pc brigade think :angry:

Please dont post and try and reason with me, I'm not interested :angry:



Thats it Paul, tell it like it is  ;) and i couldn't agree more  :t-up:

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If I was the Home Secretary I would lodge an appeal. In the meantime I would put him on a plane  to Amman and then say "sorry but I thought he could do with a holiday before the next hearing"


Certain way of becoming the next leader of the party.

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There isn't a single person in the goverment or opposition with the balls to do what is needed. We ponce around with the moral high ground whilst they take the p***. Why can ordinary people see this and those elected cannot see it.


The French rounded up Roma gypsies, put them on a plane and sent them back. THe EU all tut tutted the French said do you want them instead? They had dealt with the problem to hell with the law, we should do the same.

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Trouble is if we just shipped him off his family would sue and we'd end up paying them 50million in compo, the whole thing stinks

Send the SAS in to slot him job done

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IMO, this is treason, punishble by hanging, but times hav changed so i reckon we should vote for castration.

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Deport him, shoot him, drop him from a plane, stick him with a Russian brolly, whatever happens we will still be spending unbelievable sums of taxpayers cash for decades to come looking after his extended family.  

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let it all die down for a while, pretend everything is ok and then, while no one is looking..........

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Sorry guys ,but I`m going to say it the way I feel.

We are all guilty of letting the parasite stay in this country.

We have allowed the do gooders to get all their own way.So many things have been made `unacceptable` by elected (by us) governments,that we are the only ones to blame.

I asked my kids if there were any black kids in their school ????They said `two daddy` and my wife went PC `mad`. What`s wrong with that simple question?

I asked a good friend how he felt about his `gay son and boyfriend` moving back home with him?Apparently that was wrong too.OK to think it but mustn`t say it !

No matter what we think about Qatada,nothing will change....we are no longer men..we are just a number.


I get shotdown in flames everytime I say `grow some balls and do something about it`...And whilst the situation doesn`t affect me directly,like most of us, I (or us ,as a group)don`t have the balls to do anything about it.If something does affect me directly I will react and b@ll@ks to what anyone else thinks.


Until he is kicked out,he`s just one of tens of thousands who don`t deserve to be in this GREAT (yes still great)country.And us members only vent our anger to each other.....


Thank God I live in the sticks....all simple coutry folk.eating,drinking,paying tax and still getting nicked for speeding !!


End of my Saturday rant!

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You're a day early for a Saturday rant. ;)

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You're a day early for a Saturday rant. ;)


Scott. I really enjoy this forum....so much so,that I forgot it`s Friday....don`t take enough days off..clearly. :cry:  :cry:

Thanks for your eagleyed vigilance.....

Best club and member group I`ve ever been part of.. :yes: .

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